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View Full Version : Really weird stuff happening with IE

01-27-2005, 03:29 PM
My flashed MPx200 (ie, it's running 2003 instead of 2002) had a really weird thing happening with IE. When I tried to hit Google, I ended up at a blank page with no visible text other than a header saying "Welcome". I checked the URL and it still says www.google.com.

Upon reaching home I hooked up the phone to the PC and tried to browse through the phone and the registry, but everything seemed fine. Upon disconnecting though, my phone hung, and after a reboot, everything was fine again. I did recall a memory low message, but I've had that many times before without this happening. Anyone having similar problems before?

(Next up when I have more time, a post on my reflections of the Smartphone OS after trying out the Motorola E398 and the Sony-Ericsson T630 as my next phone)

Jerry Raia
01-29-2005, 08:06 PM
Was that update to the MPx200 ever "official"?

Mike Temporale
01-30-2005, 02:06 AM
Was that update to the MPx200 ever "official"?

Motorola never released an upgrade ROM to take your MPx200 from 2002 to 2003. So there was nothing official or unofficial. It never happened. If you've flashed your MPx200 to 2003, then you are running a unsupported ROM and a third party hack.

Jerry Raia
01-30-2005, 02:11 AM
My flashed MPx200 (ie, it's running 2003 instead of 2002) had a really weird thing happening with IE. When I tried to hit Google, I ended up at a blank page with no visible text other than a header saying "Welcome". I checked the URL and it still says www.google.com.

Upon reaching home I hooked up the phone to the PC and tried to browse through the phone and the registry, but everything seemed fine. Upon disconnecting though, my phone hung, and after a reboot, everything was fine again. I did recall a memory low message, but I've had that many times before without this happening. Anyone having similar problems before?

(Next up when I have more time, a post on my reflections of the Smartphone OS after trying out the Motorola E398 and the Sony-Ericsson T630 as my next phone)

As Mike pointed out you are using an unsupported "upgrade". That kind of leaves you on your own when trouble arises.

01-31-2005, 07:09 PM
Eh, yea, so I was just wondering if anyone has had this really weird thing going on with their PIE. No need to get all high-and-mighty here.

Mike Temporale
01-31-2005, 07:26 PM
No one is getting "high and mighty", we are simply pointing out that you have flashed your device to an unsupported version. There have been a lot of people that reported problems with that 2003 ROM. I can't say if yours is related or not. All I can say, is that I've never expereinced a problem with PIE before, so my first place to look would be your ROM.