View Full Version : Switch to Smartphone?
01-15-2005, 02:14 PM
Have been a long time PPC user and am considering a Smartphone purchase. Given that my PPC usage has largely gravitated towards traditional PIM functions, it seemed a converged device might not be a bad move for me.
I have kept maybe 15-20 .wma formatted songs on an external card for occasional use, and a few pics of family. But for the most part, multimedia is not a big deal. Same with games....keep a couple on the PPC, but not heavily used. Only other semi-consistent usage is a BT GPS. But even if I do pick up a SP, I figure the GPS usage will continue to be PPC based.
My biggest concern with making the switch is the lack of the full featured PIM apps like PI or AF. Between that and no Pocket Breeze, I'm beginning to think I may find the PIM managment capabilities of the SP platform a little too 'retarded' for my tastes. From the research I've done, it appears Papyrus is an up&coming Calendar manager, and Power Tasks or Oxios To Do appear to be decent Task managers. But even with those, it *seems* the capabilities may leave me wanting. So now I'm wondering if I shouldn't just keep the PDA usage as is , and just pick up a more traditional mobile phone.(?)
Any thoughts? Anyone made the switch and been disappointed?
Jerry Raia
01-15-2005, 08:34 PM
One of the biggest problems for me only using the smartphone is data input. It's just a pain trying to type on the phone pad.
01-15-2005, 09:07 PM
One of the biggest problems for me only using the smartphone is data input. It's just a pain trying to type on the phone pad.
Yes, that worried me as well until found there's a SP version of Pocket Controller. The *large* majority of my data entry is done either at my desk at work, or at one of the pc's here at home. As I've used PC for several yr on the PPC, I figured a copy for the SP would be one of my initial purchases.
01-16-2005, 12:47 AM
I'll second Jerry's comments about data input. I've had various iPAQ's since December 2000. I bought my first Smartphone, MPx220, a month ago yesterday. What I've discovered since then is my iPAQ now makes a great mobile device at home where I can access everything via WiFi and not have to sit at my desk. I still take it with me in my bag when traveling between client sites, but I've found more and more, the Smartphone is getting all my attention. I hadn't realized until I started using it just how little data entry I'd been doing on the PPC. I've found my workaround is to make more use of the Voice Recorder option and using the "Insert Recording" option when replying to E-mails when I'm out.
Yes, the phone was expensive (upgrade as an existing customer vs switching carriers and getting it dirt cheap), but it's been worth every penny to me. As a matter of fact, my wife, who is not a gadget person, liked it so much that after upgrading to a Motorola V551 and not liking the interface at all decided that even though it cost so much she wanted one too. She's even starting SMSing me with it from time to time. The interface is very intuitive especially if you've come from the PPC world. The biggest thing that drives me crazy is forgetting it's not a touch screen, but I'm getting better. :)
About the only thing that hasn't impressed me much is the Bluetooth connectivity between it and my Jabra BT250. Approximately 20% of the time I have to switch to the phone as I'll get to much static on the headset. I've found if I keep a good line of sight and the phone open versus closed it works better. And I have the 1.30 firmware so it's the "improved" version. I can't imagine what it was like with the earlier versions.
Jerry Raia
01-16-2005, 12:50 AM
One of the biggest problems for me only using the smartphone is data input. It's just a pain trying to type on the phone pad.
Yes, that worried me as well until found there's a SP version of Pocket Controller. The *large* majority of my data entry is done either at my desk at work, or at one of the pc's here at home. As I've used PC for several yr on the PPC, I figured a copy for the SP would be one of my initial purchases.
That is kind how I use mine. most of my data comes from my desktop. I do some email on the phone though.
01-16-2005, 02:26 AM
I've had various iPAQ's since December 2000. I bought my first Smartphone, MPx220, a month ago yesterday.
I glanced at the 220 while in Best Buy today. It's a little smaller than I thought it was, but it is the device I'll go with if I make the move (gotta have a 'flip' phone).
I'm a little surprised I haven't seriously considered making this move before now. I had a 'Visor Phone' back in '01 and then jumped to the PPC platform with the iPAQ 38xx......and did so at least in part because Compaq was supposedly close to releasing a 'phone' sleeve. At the time, I was rather disappointed that never occurred.
About the only thing that hasn't impressed me much is the Bluetooth connectivity between it and my Jabra BT250.
Yeah, I did a fair amount of reading here and a couple other places last night and noticed a number of folks mention that. Amazes me that as long as BT has been around now that mfrs are still having trouble implementing it in a consistenly problem free way.
I take it nobody really misses PI (or AF) all that much?
01-16-2005, 03:43 AM
I take it nobody really misses PI (or AF) all that much?
Nope not a bit. Get PowerCalendar and PowerTasks from DeveloperOne or get Papyrus from SBSH.
Mike Temporale
01-16-2005, 04:00 AM
On the Pocket PC, I always found the built in apps offered all that I needed. On the Smartphone side of things, I have no problems with the built-in PIM tools - outside of the calander. However, Papyrus seems to be fixing the calendars short comings. :)
Jerry Raia
01-16-2005, 04:35 AM
I take it nobody really misses PI (or AF) all that much?
They have both gotten rather bloated and the number of revisions they both put out are almost comical. Papyrus as it evolves seems to me to be rich compared to smartphone builtins. I have deleted Power Calendar and Power Tasks from my phone because of it as well.
01-16-2005, 04:48 AM
I have deleted Power Calendar and Power Tasks from my phone because of it as well.
Power Tasks also? Does Papyrus do tasks? I thought it was only a calendar app.
Agree re: the incessant upgradeitis on PI & AF. It has got a little out of hand.
Jerry Raia
01-16-2005, 05:42 AM
No tasks yet. I'm trying out Oxios for that as we type :) So far I'm liking it better than Power Tasks.
01-17-2005, 01:22 AM
Went to the Cingular store today and inquired about the MPX220. And "Who makes that one?" was the first sign I wouldn't be buying there. "Is that the one that comes with 'Windows' on it?" was next question *to* me. And once I helped him figure out what I was looking for, he told me that device was a special order item. Ok, so had him look up their price.....$320 (US). Whoa, didn't I see this same unit at Best Buy yesterday for $250?
So, I head out to BB and sure enough, it does carry a $250 price tag there. But they don't have any in stock because......"They were all recalled because they were having lots of problems with them." I've noticed here a number of people have requested/received replacements, but hadn't been aware there'd been an official recall....but did find mention of that in an Engadget post ( But that recall supposedly occurred in mid-Nov. Shouldn't BB have replacement stock in by now?
Mike Temporale
01-17-2005, 02:35 AM
While the recall has come and gone, there was never anything official from Moto about a recall. It would seem to me that your BB might just have been out of stock. If you want, check out Amazon. (link on the home page). They have it for $175 with a contract.
Jerry Raia
01-17-2005, 02:40 AM
Yeah I wouldn't take anything from Best Buy too seriously. Especially when it comes to the MPx220. Buy it anyplace else but there.
01-17-2005, 01:58 PM
It would seem to me that your BB might just have been out of stock. If you want, check out Amazon. (link on the home page). They have it for $175 with a contract.
I kinda assumed at the time it was just salesman talk for them being out of stock. But I'm glad that was the case. Had missed the Amazon link here. But it's ordered now.
Mike Temporale
01-17-2005, 02:33 PM
it's ordered now.
Cool. Keep us posted! :D
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