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View Full Version : Vnotes files not coming through.

01-15-2005, 03:08 AM
When using Vnotes to attach recordings onto e-mail messages, files are coming through as just numbers in the body of the e-mail in Outlook 2000 & 2002.... There are no attachments. Anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks :D

Mike Temporale
01-15-2005, 03:51 AM
I haven't installed many apps on my new 5600 yet - I'm waiting for the miniSD card to arrive. However, I don't recall having this problem on my old phone.

Has it always done this? or did it work at some point in the past?

John Cody
01-15-2005, 04:11 AM

This is a known problem that is discussed in this support thread on my site:


Basically, I am getting frustrated with the makers of the email tool (Effective Computer Solutions) that Vnotes uses because they have not responded to my emails requesting a fix for this problem in almost two months. So, my hands are tied until they can fix this because there is no other tool available that can access the built-in inbox in the way I need to access it.

If you want to help "nudge" the email tool company to release a fix for this issue, please send a nice and polite email to "pssupport" at "ecspl.com.au" and mention that you are using John Cody's Vnotes on your Audiovox 5600 or Orange C500 and you would really appreciate a fix for the "Attachment Bug"

Mike Temporale
01-15-2005, 04:24 AM
That sucks John. IS the problem only with The Audiovox/C500 line of devices? or is it any Windows Mobile SE device?

John Cody
01-15-2005, 04:47 AM
Originally, I thought it was happening on all SE devices because I started to receive a few bug reports after the SE units became available. But when I investigated it further, it only seems to happen with the 5600 or C500 units. I personally got a hold of a MPX-220 unit (that uses 2003 SE) and it worked OK, so that reinforced this theory.

But, I am still investigating the issue...I just wish the tool maker would do so also :(