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View Full Version : Is VZ Coverage worth it?

12-17-2004, 05:31 AM
The new line of smartphone offerings for GSM networks has me, once again, considering abandoning the VZ ship. I've hated the form factor of my i600 since the day I got it, but was as ansy for a Windows Mobile as anyone. So my question is for people in know on coverage.

Question: Is the coverage delta shrinking or expanding? About a year and a half ago I drove from TN to WA and my VZ phone had coverage about 90% of the time while a friend's SPV had coverage about 50% of the time.

So what are the implications of the ATT/Cingular "merger" with respect to coverage. From what I understand, my friend's SPV would have picked up signals from ANY gsm tower. If that is the case, then the merger means nothing for coverage now, right? Maybe less roaming charges when there is a signal, but no additions to coverage area. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

So back to my delimma. Do I leave VZ and my i600 in the past where they belong. Or do I stick it out and wait another year (<- should that be plural?) for the next CDMA smartphone, which may or may be the form factor I like (candybar :)). Coverage will make or break the decision.


Jerry Raia
12-17-2004, 06:25 PM
Using both Verizon and Cingular at the same time and traveling a lot i can say both have the same coverage at least everywhere I have been. If I had to pick only one I'd go with Cingular. They have the better phones. :)

12-17-2004, 11:04 PM
I hated the i600 as well. AT&T and now Cingular have never done me wrong. More than I can say for TMobile. They sucked!

12-19-2004, 03:40 PM
I left Verizon for many reasons and coverage was not one of them. Price, plan options, equipment costs and choices were. Their coverage is great and so far in my small world of use Cingular has been fine as well, not perfect but good.

I got tired of waiting for Verizon to offer me something and I will have to post the letter they sent me about the "important decision I have just made".

I can't speak for the cingular nationwide but they it should only get better once they combine the towers. I see it this way, I ask myself when was the last time I really had to call someone when I was out of Verizons signal range? Answer was never. If I was I could most likely find a pay phone and use my calling card.

12-22-2004, 07:27 AM
I recently switched all 4 of my phones from a family plan on Verizon to a family plan on AT&T/Cingular. The reason? I wanted the SMT5600 for myself and the MPx220 for my wife. When will Verizon ever offer phones like this, and if they do, they will probably cost too much. Verizon's i600 is too expensive, too big and bulky, and not as fully featured as the new smartphones that other wireless carriers are offering.

I too was worried about getting poorer reception when I made the switch. After all, Verizon brags that they have the best coverage. My opinion is that may have been true a few years ago, but the other wireless carriers have caught up. I live in the Northeast and most of the major carriers have good service in this area.

For me the wireless carrier has become irrelevant. It's all about the phones they offer!!!!

Jerry Raia
12-22-2004, 09:50 AM
I agree 100%. Amongst the big carriers the coverage is now almost identical. The equipment offered seems to be more of a difference at least in the states anyway.

12-22-2004, 02:05 PM
Ditto on the i600 while the screen was a nice size that was bout all I liked. It was too slow, too bulky and overall I was unhappy with Samsung & Verizon especially after the I700 OS issue. The MPx220 is sleek, simple and easy to use.

Cingular and GSM carriers in general you can add devices alot more easily and move around as long as they are unlocked or get unlocked.