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View Full Version : MPX 200 and Tzones

12-14-2004, 02:29 AM
I bought me a unlocked mpx 200. I like this phone but haven't been unable to connect to tzones. I used some settings but can't get it to work. I hope I can get help on this Forum. Thanks a lot.

Kris Kumar
12-14-2004, 04:36 AM
Start->Settings->Data Connections->Menu->Edit Connections->GPRS Connections->Menu Add.

- You can put in any description...

If you have $4.99 plan
- Connects to: WAP Network
- Access Point: wap.voicestream.com
- Click Done..Done...till you are out of the Data Connections.

If you have $19.99 plan
- Connects to: Internet
- Access Point: internet2.voicestream.com
- Click Done..Done...till you are out of the Data Connections.

All the other fields can be left blank.

12-14-2004, 04:58 AM

This is one of the few threads I've seen that explains how to get to the actual t-zones WAP deck from a Windows Mobile Smartphone.