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View Full Version : O2 Xphone II And The i-mate SP3i Are Now On Sale

Mike Temporale
12-13-2004, 02:45 PM
The O2 Xphone II is now available for $499US in Asia from <a href="http://www.doml.com/product.asp?id=1733&amp;model=&amp;">Doml.</a> The <a href="http://www.expansys-usa.com/product.asp?code=I-MATE_SP3I_US">Expansys US</a> site is listing the US version of i-mate SP3i as available Monday Dec 13th (today) for only $449.95. <br /><br />You still have time to take delivery of these before the holidays, if you act fast. :wink: Think of how awesome one of these would be as a stocking stuffer. :)

12-13-2004, 07:50 PM
That is "ok" but why should I pay almost 500 US when I can get basically the same phone from Amazon for at least 100 US less?

Expansys has always been expensive - has anyone received a "good deal" from these guys yet? I suppose I'm going to have to pay to get the phone unlocked too...

Sorry about the bitter tone - but I'm just urked at T-Mo for not getting their smartphones to the US faster - sigh...

Mike Temporale
12-13-2004, 08:01 PM
I searched amazon and couldn't find the SDA/SP3i model. You could get the Audiovox, and unlock that (which is almost the same) for a lower price.

The phones from Expansys are the i-mate line, so it's already unlocked. i-mate sells direct to customer, and not through a carrier. So there is no unlocking required.

12-14-2004, 01:02 PM
Got an XphoneII on thursday. 680 bux AUD
What a unit.
V.impressed with build and overall feel. I feel like tossing away my pocketpc I'm that happy!!!