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View Full Version : Cingular confirms price for SX66 Pocket PC phone

11-22-2004, 09:47 PM
No word on availability, but according to the Cingular rep I talked to, it will cost:

- $649 for 2 yr contract
- $699 for 1 yr contract
- $749 for no contract

Mike Temporale
11-23-2004, 02:23 AM
I don't think that's too bad. Considering my first iPAQ cost more than that. :lol:

11-23-2004, 02:56 AM
It's much higher than I'd hoped, but then I'm kinda cheap :)

I was assuming it'd be a little more "subsidized" than this. How much could a GSM radio add to the cost of your basic decent Pocket PC? I'd consider paying that if it had a VGA screen and was SIM-unlocked, perhaps.