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View Full Version : MPx220 Users, Look Out For The Black Dot

Kris Kumar
11-18-2004, 04:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.mpx200.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=2531' target='_blank'>http://www.mpx200.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=2531</a><br /><br /></div><i>"In addition to the orange dots, look for Black dots too. It seems that plans are being laid down for a fix to the camera also. The fix will improve the resolution of the camera when Bluetooth is in use and once fixed, phones will sport a nice Black sticker too."</i><br /><br />Motorola MPx220 is an awesome Smartphone but I feel that the Best Buy-Motorola-Cingular alliance is doing everything possible to ruin the image of this Smartphone. :evil: I am still waiting to get my hands on the box with the orange sticker, and now reading this story about boxes with black dots does not give me good impression about these companies. I could not confirm this <i>black dot story</i> at my local Best Buy store. But if this is true, then why didn't Motorola wait and have all the fixes rolled into one update and release it as a software download or user installable update? Why do they want their customers to go through an in-store replacement, isn't this option costly for them? <!> <br /><br />Following are the known issues that I consider must be fixed soon for the success of this Smartphone:<br />• Ear piece and speaker volume needs to be increased. [Fixed in the orange dot version]<br />• The called person at times cannot hear clearly what the caller is saying. [Not sure if this has been fixed in orange dot version]<br />• Bluetooth <a href="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6736">not compatible</a> with some navigation applications or serial devices. Bluetooth serial profile or its configuration wizard is missing.<br />• Bluetooth causes the pictures to come <a href="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6578">out fuzzy.</a> This could also be because of the high power or memory requirements of the 1.23 Mega pixel sensor.<br />• Some users are reporting shutdown problems.<br /><br />I am glad that Motorola has addressed the biggest concern, the low volume problem. But I feel that they could have delayed the release of updated phone to include the patches for the other known problems. What do you think is the right approach? <br /><br />Meanwhile if you are planning to get your MPx220 replaced for the one with the orange dot, here are a few tips.<br />• Don't forget to remove the miniSD card before returning the phone.<br />• Perform a sync for one last time, to get the changes on the Smartphone transferred on to the desktop.<br />• Backup the Smartphone, hopefully you will be able to restore it on the new one.<br />• You will need the receipt, or the credit card with which you made the purchase for the replacement.<br />• I would recommend that you carry the box and its contents to the store.<br />• Perform a hard-reset just before you return the phone, to wipe out your personal data.

Jerry Raia
11-18-2004, 04:06 PM
Good post Kris. I am getting my 220 replacement from Cingular (FedEx) this afternoon. I didn't get into dot colors with the guy on the phone out of fear I might have to put a gun in my mouth at some point during the conversation.

I did emphasize that what was wrong was the volume and the camera. He made me repeat it twice during the conversation. I suspect I'm getting the "Black Dot" phone but this box may have no dot at all. I hope folks with either dot will post version numbers so we can tell. I'll post mine when I get it.

As far as how they should have handled it, I think someone at MOT finally said to someone else "do something about this now". They are responding though in a bit of a clumsy maner.

What should have happened is BB should just have swapped the phones out...period. No one could have had it for more than 6 weeks or so. To stick to the 30 day exchange in this case is just poor performance.

11-18-2004, 05:54 PM
jerry raia, wow you mean you got cingular to admit to the MPX220? I talked to two reps with cingular and there service deptment about the phone, and they " never heard about that model"

Jerry Raia
11-18-2004, 05:57 PM
Oh yes, in fact the Best Buy rep I had on the phone transfered my call straight to Cingular to handle this.

Of course I may get a box of Life Savers today but we will see :)

11-18-2004, 06:36 PM
Boy, you should have heard all the crap i went through to get a staight answer. for mine. Ill be going to the BB store to exchange mine when they get them in. I added a post under the Mpx220 recall.

Jerry Raia
11-18-2004, 06:43 PM
Yeah I have a post of my ordeal in th BB store somewhere on here too. It was just silly. BB should be embarrased.

11-18-2004, 07:07 PM
If Cingular is holding off to get all of the phones flashed then great, but I am getting itchy and tired of waiting. I simply want the phone with the right software and working. I hope I am as happy with Cingular coverage as I am with Verizon so I can add the Razr V3 to my phone arsenal.

Jerry Raia
11-18-2004, 07:17 PM
As a user of both Cingular and Verizon I can tell you that Cingulars' coverage is excellent. Now even better with ATT's coverage as well.

11-18-2004, 07:25 PM
hrm... I think I may wait a few months for that "complete" colored dot. I don't even want to know what the morons would do at my local best buy if I went in there and demanded color dots on the exhanged mpx220.

11-18-2004, 07:29 PM
I use to have Att but switched to cingular in mid oct. Due to the fact that cingular installed a cell site down my street, and my area is th worst area for any cellular company. but Since having my cingular service i have been very happy with the signale and have no complants about the service.

Kris Kumar
11-18-2004, 07:39 PM
hrm... I think I may wait a few months for that "complete" colored dot. I don't even want to know what the morons would do at my local best buy if I went in there and demanded color dots on the exhanged mpx220.

Well soon we may be on the lookout for Rainbow colored Dots. :rotfl:

11-18-2004, 07:46 PM
Stop stop with the colored dots :roll: to many dot issues out there. Would rather have a playboy issue then a dot issue.

11-18-2004, 09:25 PM
Anything you want me to test?

Kris Kumar
11-18-2004, 09:31 PM
Wow - mfg rev 0.343. That is .001 more than the Best Buy one. :-)

You got it through the AT&T store or online?

We would like to here more:
- First with Bluetooth ON, take a few pictures. Do they come out fuzzy?
- How is the Mic volume, can the person at the other end hear you?
- In my original post, where I am talking about the Navigation application, there is a link, and in that thread Arne is talking about a BT config wizard, can you find it in the BT Menus or in the Settings?

More to follow? ;-)

11-19-2004, 12:40 AM
just ordered the mpx220 directly from ATT today. Asked the rep if she knew about the recall and she said no. ATT just started to sell the mpx220 on their website this past Monday. Does this mean my phone will be okay since Motorola/Best Buy announced the recall last Friday. I'm assuming that Motorla made sure that ATT/Cingular got the updated phones. Right???

11-19-2004, 01:55 AM
- Ordered the phone via our web "business link" with AT&T. You can see the phone here:

- Bluetooth and pictures work fine (the picture is clear/viewable on the phone display). I was not actively USING the Bluetooth (I have no "partner" devices yet), I just had it turned on.

- The microphone value appears to be fine. I've only made a few calls, but I can hear people, and they can hear me (even while I'm in my car). I do have the volume maxed out.

- BT Wizard - not sure about that one. Under Settings, I have "Bluetooth" where I can set it to "Off", "On", or "Discoverable". There is also a "Menu" option where I can select "Devices", where I get another "Menu" option where I can choose "New" (to automagically search for devices), "Edit", "Delete" and "Set as Hands Free". That's all I can find so far.

I was also able to install SmartPhoneNotes 1.2 without issue (does that mean my phone is "unlocked" from a software perspective?)

Jerry Raia
11-19-2004, 04:10 AM
I just got my replacement phone from Cingular. It just came in a box with no battery or even a battery cover. Just the phone with all the little plastic things everywhere. No dots.

The ROM numbers are all the same, everyone of them but......

I had to turn the volume DOWN when i made a call. Yes DOWN!!
The camera doesnt mess up pictures with BT on either even in dim light.

I've only had it a few minutes. Now I'm gonna try to restore everything from a back up.

Kris Kumar
11-19-2004, 04:33 AM
Thanks runbuh for the quick update.

The BT looks the same. But Volume and Pictures seems to have been fixed.

Kris Kumar
11-19-2004, 04:40 AM
I just got my replacement phone from Cingular. It just came in a box with no battery or even a battery cover. Just the phone with all the little plastic things everywhere. No dots.

How did you manage it thru Cingular? :? I just spoke to them a while ago. They have no clue about the phone or its problem.

Here is my rant.

- Best Buy won't give me the replacement because I am out of the 30 days.
- Fine. They give me a slip with 800#. I get shuttled to Cingular. Which flat out denies the knowledge of the problem or recall or replacement. They pass me on to Motorola, because I am not a Cingular customer.
- Now here is the best part. Hello Moto says that they have sent the firmware update to Best Buy and I should talk to them. 8O
- I tell the guy I am out of the 30 day period, Best Buy won't help me. Moto says, they cannot do anything, the firmware is in Best Buy's hands. 8O
- I tell the guy the reference numbers from the email exchanges with Moto on this problem, where they denied the problem, and now Moto has released a fix for the problem. So I should get it because Moto is supposed to respect the warranty on my phone. No way. The guy won't budge. He says talk to Best Buy.
- Annoyed I head back to Best Buy, who hold on the 30 day period thingy.

Any tips. I am frustrated beyond...Really annoyed with the way Moto is handling this fine product. :evil:

Jerry Raia
11-19-2004, 05:01 AM
Sorry to hear this Kris. My path was as follows (short version) :

BestBuy Store...out of 30 day no way
Called BB extended warranty #....no help, Motorola warranty for first year.
BB person transfered me to Cingular directly.....
The guy on the phone took my info, I told him about the volume and the camera. Fedex overnight the replacement. Now I return the old phone.
The number I was transfered to was (800) 801-1101 at Cingular.

Oh BTW, the Sprite Software restore worked perfectly.

Kris Kumar
11-19-2004, 05:09 AM
Sorry to hear this Kris. My path was as follows (short version) :

BestBuy Store...out of 30 day no way
Called BB extended warranty #....no help, Motorola warranty for first year.
BB person transfered me to Cingular directly.....
The guy on the phone took my info, I told him about the volume and the camera. Fedex overnight the replacement. Now I return the old phone.
The number I was transfered to was (800) 801-1101 at Cingular.

Oh BTW, the Sprite Software restore worked perfectly.

Well, this is what happens when you have huge sales and support teams. Not everyone reads the memo. And when the company does not do a good job in laying down the plan of action, the customers suffer.

And in this case, the problem is not ONE company with a huge sales and support team. It is THREE companies with huge sales and support team. So the problem gets compounded.

11-19-2004, 05:20 AM
Kris & Jerry,

Just FYI, I got the same 800# for Cingular from BB Corporate office (Store & corporate both stood firm on the 30 days), called Cingular and this # is for equipment trouble/repair, spent 15 minutes with the C/S and he flat out denied the MPx220 is in their arsenal, numerous times he referred to v220 as expected. He finally told me that it's an ATT handset even though I told him the box & handset are marked Cingular, no matter, he wanted to transfer me to ATT (even though they're now merged), on hold with music for another 20 mins before I was dropped.

Now all I need is a way to rip the ROM from phone a to b ;) I think by now all of us have fallen into the "devil" category in the customer profile. The upside today is that my 512m miniSD came in for the 5600!

Jerry Raia
11-19-2004, 05:26 AM
This is incredible. I should have bought a lottery ticket yesterday.

11-19-2004, 06:18 AM

Are you with Cingular? I am wondering what will become of us that purchased the MPX220 and did not activate it on Cingular?


Jerry Raia
11-19-2004, 06:24 AM
Yes I am with Cingular

11-19-2004, 06:28 AM
Thanks! I guess we will have to remain "devils" to Best Buy!

Kris Kumar
11-19-2004, 06:30 AM
This is incredible. I should have bought a lottery ticket yesterday.

You have no idea how lucky you are...or how lucky you were at the moment you called Cingular. :-)

11-19-2004, 07:58 AM

Are you with Cingular? I am wondering what will become of us that purchased the MPX220 and did not activate it on Cingular?



Can't help myself as I'm in a similar boat! :roll:

11-19-2004, 08:04 AM
good thing i got 3 replacements before the updated one (with .342 ROM)... the most recent replacement was 10/25 which kept me in the 30 day window (i guess) so they gave me the updated phone (or 4th one) without a problem...

Kris - I can't believe how BB is treating you and others on this. I had one friend who exchanged his phone on day 33 ...

Mike Temporale
11-19-2004, 12:21 PM
Alright, here's a suggestion for all of you having problems with exchanging your phone. I don't recomend this solution, and I consider it wrong. However it may be your only hope.

Buy a new MPx220 from BB, and sign up for service with Cingular. Then swap your new phone for the old one. Return to BB a couple days later and return & cancel the new plan. Handing in your old phone.

Jerry Raia
11-19-2004, 01:02 PM
I may have spoken too soon on the BT issue. Once I had all my software loaded back in, with BT on at the high resolution it scrambled the picture.

So it seems it is a resource issue. :cry:

Kris Kumar
11-19-2004, 01:05 PM
Alright, here's a suggestion for all of you having problems with exchanging your phone. I don't recomend this solution, and I consider it wrong. However it may be your only hope.

Buy a new MPx220 from BB, and sign up for service with Cingular. Then swap your new phone for the old one. Return to BB a couple days later and return & cancel the new plan. Handing in your old phone.

Mike, it will not work. Because they keep track of the serial number. Or it may work if you use the new box but put the old phone in it and return it. ;-) Risky, what if they decide to read the serial number off the phone instead of the box. :-(

Anyway, I am going to fight it out. I mean keep talking till they are convinced.

One question the store people have been asking me is "where did I find out about it?" I am going to today take a print out of their memo and show it to them. :-)

Kris Kumar
11-19-2004, 01:12 PM
I may have spoken too soon on the BT issue. Once I had all my software loaded back in, with BT on at the high resolution it scrambled the picture.

So it seems it is a resource issue. :cry:

That makes sense because BT should not otherwise not interfere.

On mine I have been having good luck ever since I disabled PhotoId. I have not been able to do a thorough test, but stopping unwanted applications from running all the time seems to help.

Jerry Raia
11-19-2004, 01:16 PM
I think you are right Kris. Quite a bit of memory seems to be tied up when you just turn the phone on. Run an app or two, throw in a little memory leak for good measure and there you have it.

A mess.

Mike Temporale
11-19-2004, 01:57 PM
Mike, it will not work. Because they keep track of the serial number. Or it may work if you use the new box but put the old phone in it and return it. ;-) Risky, what if they decide to read the serial number off the phone instead of the box. :-(

Yup, put your old phone in the new box. I imagine if you get caught doing this, you'll be in a heap of trouble. So I don't recomment it.

11-19-2004, 05:03 PM
News update on my issue

BB, Motorola, better business buero and consumer affairs is getting a letter from me regarding this recall and the failer of the two companys to do a simple exchange of a recalled item, Even after i was told by BB rep that it would not be a proplem.

I went down to my local store as instructed By a BB costumer rep from corp. to do the exchange and i was also give a case number, and still they refaused to do it. After this i am NEVER buying anything from Best buy because of this. If you live in the inland empire area and reading this dont waste your time at store #150.

after being refaused i amedatly call the 1888bestbuy, to tell them what happend and how Pi$$ off i was about the whole thing. They put me in contact with cingular, and cingular is shipping me a new phone. Even tho i feel that this is not an issue with cingular and i dont fault them for it. This proplem lays on the Corp office of Best Buy and Motorola and there lack of customer care.

I have almost every ones name that i taked to on the phone in the store, and all the 800 numbers as well.

I will try to write my letter this weekend with my dad and his legal help in words used.

11-19-2004, 10:35 PM
Arh, I knew the majority of people would have this type of problem with Best Buy which is why I am choosing to wait until there is a clear flash upgrade released to all stores. Its really too early to try this IMO.

Anyway the best way to deal with best buy is to keep it simple. Never tell them anything complicated.
FIRST goto the cell phone counter and attempt to verify they have the fixed phones in stock. I would probably have them start the phone and check the version number. Act like your going to buy a new one. If it looks like they don't have them in stock then you will have to try again when they get more in or goto a different Best Buy.

Once your 100% sure they have the phones in stock goto the service counter and say "I can't hear people; the phone it is not working correctly I know an exchange will fix the problem." If they give you a hassle keep saying "you sold me a bad phone; a simple exchange will fix the problem." If you are beyond 30 days and did not get a warranty then you are at the mercy of the manager. They don't technically have to do anything after 30 days.

If for some reason your still screwed I would then buy a new phone put the old phone in the new box and return it. I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for this; the worst they can do it refuse it, and then you say oh I accidentally put my Dad's phone in the box, then you will return the new one and you've just lost a little time.

Kris Kumar
11-20-2004, 12:45 AM
FINALLY - I got my Orange Dot Box.

It took two trips with tons of phone calls in between but I have it. I was over the 30 day return policy by 3-4 days.

Yesterday BB refused me saying that I was over the 30 days, so no exchange. They would not listen about the recall or the fact that they got the new ones only few days ago. Anyway the key thing don't annoy them, stay calm. This will hurt your chances.

They gave me BB 800# to call, which sent me to Cingular, Cingular sent me to Moto (I am not a Cingular customer). And Moto told me that they cannot do anything. I asked about the Moto warranty. They said no way. :?

Today I called BB 800#, and spoke to BB consumer affairs rep. She said I should be able to get the phone, since I was only 3-4 days over the 30 day period and because the phone had been restocked recently. She did say that it was store stock recall not a customer recall. But she told me that if the store folks give me trouble, I should ask them to call the BB 800# while I am at the store.

Next I thought I should call Moto again. This time the guy who answered my call, said I can send it to the service center (gave me the address), which will update the phone and send it to me in 2 weeks.

Well as you can see, the day changed the story changed.

Went to BB, said I wanted replacement, I am over 30 days and that the BB 800# said that I am fine. Showed them the printout of the News Item that was posted by sclui56. They started the replacement. No more questions asked.

Took 30 mins or more. There was a time when I thought I might get stuck when the lady asked me for the SIM card and I said it is not a Cingular SIM. I did not buy the service only the phone. She said it will not let her continue without the SIM. Luckily she suggested she will try entering the T-Mobile SIM number, just so that some number can be entered. It worked.

And I was walking out with the new phone. :)

But this is definitely not the way it should have been handled. Why do we get two stories. Even Moto support is not consistent. :?

But stay calm and cool. Be reasonable. The store employees don't know much because this is a unique situation. Unlocked phone, exclusive sale, bugs and then a recall. It makes for an impressive drama.

Kris Kumar
11-20-2004, 12:48 AM
If for some reason your still screwed I would then buy a new phone put the old phone in the new box and return it. I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for this; the worst they can do it refuse it, and then you say oh I accidentally put my Dad's phone in the box, then you will return the new one and you've just lost a little time.

I would again recommend against it. In my case the lady scanned the box label, the label on the phone (under the battery) and verified it against the receipt.

11-20-2004, 03:34 AM
I would again recommend against it. In my case the lady scanned the box label, the label on the phone (under the battery) and verified it against the receipt.

I got the BB extended warrenty so they shouldn't give me a hard time over 30 days for an exchange; I predicted something like this would happen.

Anyway that sticker looks like you could remove it and switch it with another phone with some careful effort.

With my old star tac, verizon used to have a machine in the store they could flash it with. Do you think the cingular stores will have something like that when they stock it?

11-20-2004, 03:52 AM
Extended Warranty

1st year goes to the manufacturer
Subsequent year(s) - Best Buy Extended Warranty Service

11-21-2004, 11:47 PM
My MPX220 was still under the 30 day return period so I took it back on Saturday (11/21). I told the girl at the cellular counter that I wanted to exchange the phone, and to my suprise she knew exactly what I was talking about!!! She handed me a box with a orange dot and let me check the firmware version, (it was .342). I was then pointed the the Return/Exchange area and was on my way.

The phone volume is noticeably louder in all areas (ear piece, speakerphone and ring volume) It also has not froze up on me and the external display has yet to stay on constantly after the phone has been closed. The camera is not any better, but I was not expecting that anyway.

*I asked about the Black dot, but they did not know anything about it.

11-22-2004, 01:27 AM
Another success!! I too was able to return my phone today. I was relitively painless, except for having to stand in lines for an hour. I was at the 34 day mark, and i was told they would do me a favor, and let me return the phone, instead of calling the 800 #. Wow I feel special. :lol:

Good luck to others trying to upgrade their phones. Also DO NOT try the buy and switch. The clerk was very methodical looking at the S/N's of the old phone, and old box.


11-22-2004, 02:39 AM
Its good to see that the firmware update is working out. I just wish Cingular would get the ball rolling on their release date. I returned mine 2 days after I got it on the 2nd day it was launched. Since I am going to be new to Cingular I am waiting for the formal launch.