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View Full Version : The Cost of Smartphone Software

11-15-2004, 04:38 PM
I remeber when I bought my first Pocket PC, an Ipaq 3100 monochrome quickly to be replaced by the 3600. Microsoft and others offered a variety of free software. From theme generator to money management there was all kinds of software to be had. While some of the more business related software did cost, many non-essential applications were free or were under $5.00.

I recently retired my XDA for a Audiovox SMT5600, my first smartphone. While I am really impressed and excited to have such a mobile replacement for my XDA I am a little taken back by the lack of free software from MS and the high prices for other software. I do understand why the cost of medical, many bisiness applications can reach high prices but other "enhancement" software to me shouldnt cost 19.00. Maybe I am way off here but i am not going to invest 100.00-200.00 ot enhance my PDA!

I will pay for ewallet and maybe pocket streets (which used to be free) but other than that I cannot justify it.

Anyone else feel this way?

Jerry Raia
11-17-2004, 01:06 AM
I can agree that paying for things that used to be free or cheaper doesn't feel good but....

I think the "$19 software" you speak of is much better than the free stuff of times past. It can be insidious though. I've sat in front of my PC buying SmartPhone and PPC software thinking "Oh this is only $10, this is only $19" and before I know it the credit card bill shows up with the $200 you mentioned on it.

I also don't think anything from Microsoft is ever free. When you bought that phone or PDA you paid for the OS in that device as well. Some of that will pay for the "free" stuff from MS.

Of course you don't have to buy any of the enhancements. But it is fun :)

11-17-2004, 03:38 AM
I can sympathize with the surprise credit card bills....those buggers really add up! :D

Jerry Raia
11-17-2004, 03:49 AM
Yeah and those little apps are just so much fun! Too bad they add up!!


Santa Fe
11-18-2004, 02:59 AM
I really do not mind paying for good software that does as promised. What I do not like are the carriers (and others) who want to charge a fee for each access of a service that could be done with software. Things like map directions vs GPS is an example. Those charges really do add up and do not add any extra value over fixed software solutions in my view.