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View Full Version : MPx220 Bluetooth And GPS: Not A Happy Couple

Kris Kumar
11-09-2004, 05:00 PM
Readers planning on using the Motorola MPx220 with Bluetooth GPS sensors may be in for a surprise. It seems like MPx220 Bluetooth serial profile is not compatible with all navigation softwares. Our reader otty is reporting in this thread (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6732) that MPx220 is not compatible with CoPilot Live. Earlier in the week I was contacted by Lutz Bendlin from Pocket GPS World (http://pocketgpsworld.com) to confirm if Mapopolis worked with Bluetooth GPS on the MPx220 or not. And I quickly did a test and found that it didn't work. Now here's the glimmer of hope or the confusing part, Microsoft Pocket Streets 2005 on my MPx220 works with my Socket Bluetooth GPS. :?

Figure: Screen shot of Pocket Streets 2005 taken on my MPx220 with Socket Bluetooth GPS.

Have you seen similar problems? Which Bluetooth GPS sensor and application do you use with your MPx220? Does anyone know why Pocket Streets 2005 works and other applications don't?

Jason Dunn
11-09-2004, 07:35 PM
What the hell is WRONG with the MPx220? How did Motorola let this happen? They've got to stop hiring people off the short yellow school bus... :lol:

Arne Hess
11-09-2004, 08:01 PM
No, no - now I have to take up the cudgels for Motorola. The problem isn't Motorola's product management nor the MPx220 but the decision to launch the MPx220 that early.
I've chatted with Lutz over the weekend as well and the problem with the Cingular version is that it excludes the Bluetooth Serial-Port Wizard:


With this wizard, you can connect all devices which supports serial BT connections (like GPS receivers, Notebooks, Desktops).
I've tested it successful with Destinator SP (http://www.ppcw.net/?itemid=2108). While I wasn't able to use Destinator SP with the older ROM versions without this wizard, now it's easy going (I have tested Destinator only yet because the others either don't have MPx220 products yet or haven't answered so far).

For any reason, Microsoft Pocket Streets for SP goes a different serial port way... :?:

But again - why does Cingular launched the MPx220 that early and all the other carriers who had it announced also haven't released it yet? Maybe they have good reasons to wait and to make it "perfect".

Kris Kumar
11-09-2004, 08:25 PM
Thanks Arne

It makes sense now.

And also solidifies my belief that the MPx220 is a solid product, but needs polishing. Wish Motorola/Cingular had gone the extra mile to cover all bases.

Jerry Raia
11-09-2004, 10:49 PM
I've chatted with Lutz over the weekend as well and the problem with the Cingular version is that it excludes the Bluetooth Serial-Port Wizard

Are you saying the only thing missing is a wizard? That the 220 has everything else to connect via serial??

11-10-2004, 12:46 AM
...They've got to stop hiring people off the short yellow school bus... :lol:


Kris Kumar
11-10-2004, 11:31 PM
ALK has impressed me with a very positive response. Unlike Moto which is keeping quiet about the issues with the MPx220. ALK is working hard to resolve a bug, which was not caused by their fault. This is what customer service and PR is all about. :-)


11-18-2004, 03:45 AM
I know this is an mpx post, but anyone know if gps works with the audiovox smt 5600?

Kris Kumar
11-18-2004, 04:45 AM
Update on ALK CoPilot Live. A fix/workaround is now available.

Kris Kumar
11-18-2004, 04:52 AM
I know this is an mpx post, but anyone know if gps works with the audiovox smt 5600?

Haven't heard of any problem reports.

Infact some of the reviews carried out by the other sites were done on the a SPV C500. Which is essentially the same as the SMT5600. But AT&T/Audiovox could have crippled it in their version.

Let's hope a SMT5600 reader will confirm this post. If no one replies soon. I would recommend posting this question in the "Other Microsoft Smartphones" forum.

11-19-2004, 05:19 PM
so when is the fix for the bluetooth wizard coming for us cingular customers or is it in the .342 update????

11-19-2004, 06:48 PM
so when is the fix for the bluetooth wizard coming for us cingular customers or is it in the .342 update????

Not sure when, it is definitely not in the .342 build, not sure if it was Moto or Cingular who opted not to have it.

11-19-2004, 07:00 PM
silly question but why does arne hess(microsoft mvp wireless) have a screen shot on his thread of something that doesn't exist????

11-19-2004, 07:23 PM
silly question but why does arne hess(microsoft mvp wireless) have a screen shot on his thread of something that doesn't exist????

It may exist in a non-Cingular build. Just FYI, the same utility on the 5600 has settings for both inbound as well as outbound port controls.

11-19-2004, 08:31 PM
okay, another silly question ...can this "file"/application not be copied from one of the "smart"smartphone owners and put in to our lacking phones???... not that we should have to....it should be a download from moto or cingular or microsoft right????

Mike Temporale
11-19-2004, 10:46 PM
okay, another silly question ...can this "file"/application not be copied from one of the "smart"smartphone owners and put in to our lacking phones???... not that we should have to....it should be a download from moto or cingular or microsoft right????

Ah... no. Features that are baked into the phone, are not available for download from any site. In fact, the only OS related downloads I can remember are patches or a new ROM Image.