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View Full Version : Star Wars Teaser Trailer is Out!

Mike Temporale
11-05-2004, 04:01 PM
Has anyone else seen this? I've watched it about 5 times now, and everytime I notice something new. The battle between Anakin and Ben looks amazing. They did an excellent job at making Anakin look evil.

Man, I don't want to wait until May 2005. Damn you Lucas! :evil:

11-05-2004, 09:23 PM
No, whats the link? i have seen the fight seen from my DVD tri movie set . way cool. Cant wait for the movie and video game

Mike Temporale
11-06-2004, 01:03 AM
Officially, if you're a member of Starwars.com you can view it there. Otherwise, you can catch clips on TV - most of the local news is playing parts of it. It's also playing at the theater for The Incredibles.

Un-Officially, a quick google search will return a number of sites that have a copy posted. I think, it's going to be public on Starwars.com as of Monday.

Mike Temporale
11-08-2004, 05:40 AM
Here's 3 of my favourite scenes in the trailer. (can you tell I've spent too much time watching this damn trailer!)

Just check out his eyes! They have such an evil glare. Awesome, eh?

The legendary lightsaber fight... oh man, it's great. 8)

He's always had an evil look, but never like this, and he's swinging a lightsaber, very stylish. :D