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View Full Version : Smartphone Development Webcast From Learn247 With Free Smartphone Prize

Kris Kumar
11-04-2004, 03:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.learn247.net/webcasts/default.aspx' target='_blank'>http://www.learn247.net/webcasts/default.aspx</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Learn247 announced a free "Building Mobile Applications with Visual Studio .NET" online training series presented by the Mobile Devices Division at Microsoft. This is a 3 part hands on training course which has been designed to teach all developers need to know to begin building powerful mobile applications using Visual Studio.NET."</i><br /><br />Learn247 is offering two FREE webcasts for mobile application developers. First one is an introductory session and the second one offers insight into writing applications for Smartphones using managed code. Not only are the webcasts free, but there are prizes, including SPV E200 Smartphone, for attending the sessions. :-) The giveaway Smartphone may not be the latest model but if you are a developer, that is one extra developer test Smartphone.

11-05-2004, 05:26 AM
Does anybody here have experience with Learn247 Webcasts? Are they any good?

Paul Ballard, Editor

Kris Kumar
11-05-2004, 05:40 AM
I believe it is a Microsoft site. The footer on the website says Microsoft.

Anyway, I clicked on the register link, it took my name and email id and said that i"We will contact you nearer the time with details of how you can view the webcasts."
