View Full Version : Looking for a new phone, smart or otherwise.
Kati Compton
08-09-2004, 06:05 PM
I currently use Virgin Mobile. I know, I know - it's not fancy. And no, I'm not greasy and 15 years old like all the kids on the Virgin Mobile site. But it suits me pretty well, as I really only use it when I travel apart from maybe 15 minutes a month of "Hey honey, there's a sale on DVDs here at Best Buy - is anything you want?"
My husband has decided he needs a phone, and he'd use one even less than I do. So I'm thinking I'll give him my Virgin Mobile phone, and get something new for me.
I'm expecting to travel a little more, and I'm also thinking it'd be kinda nice if I can do data. But I still have sporadic usage, and am NOT looking for something that's a big monthly fee. I'm too used to paying $20 every 2 months.
Really, if I could do a pay-as-you-go, but have DATA, that'd be awesome. I don't see there being a HUGE increase in my voice usage. But I don't think a plan like that exists in the States, does it?
The phone doesn't have to be ultra-fancy. I plan to still carry a PDA... But I'd take a Smartphone if I could get it for cheap enough and if someone could convince me that it serves my needs best... :P
PS - I put this in OT because the "right answer" probably *isn't* a Smartphone at this point.
Mike Temporale
08-09-2004, 07:34 PM
Wow, this is a pretty wide open question.... :wink:
Are you looking to stay with Virgin? Or perhaps switch to another carrier?
I'm no expert on data/voice plans for US carriers, so I can't offer much assistance on that. Can you even get data on a pay-as-you-go plan??
Personally, I would hold off on doing anything right now. We recently reported about people in the UK getting a free Smartphone (C500) ( when the sign up. The C500 is a pretty nice handset, too! although this is only UK right now, there are a number of handsets being released in the coming months, and this would be a great way to pick up a Smartphone.
What Pocket PC do you have? Does it have Bluetooth? Are you looking for a phone that allow you to connect from your PPC to the 'net over Bluetooth?
Kati Compton
08-09-2004, 08:13 PM
Wow, this is a pretty wide open question.... :wink:
Are you looking to stay with Virgin? Or perhaps switch to another carrier?
I don't particularly care either way.
I'm no expert on data/voice plans for US carriers, so I can't offer much assistance on that. Can you even get data on a pay-as-you-go plan??
Well, with the T-Mobile Sidekick plan you can do $30/mo plus .20c a minute. It's a bit too steep for me, though, to not include any minutes. I don't *have* to have included minutes, but then I want a low/no monthly.
Personally, I would hold off on doing anything right now. We recently reported about people in the UK getting a free Smartphone (C500) ( when the sign up. The C500 is a pretty nice handset, too! although this is only UK right now, there are a number of handsets being released in the coming months, and this would be a great way to pick up a Smartphone.
As long as I don't have to do a $50/mo plan. ;) Even if I had unlimited minutes/data at $50/month, it's not worth it for me. My problem is that I travel a medium amount (primarily in the US), and so want a cell phone because hotel rates, calling cards, and phone cards are a pain, expensive, or both. But apart from that, I'm either in my office or at home most of the time. Also, since I've used email and IM for so long, I've forgotten how to TALK on the phone to anyone other than my husband. So it's not like I'd be calling all my friends with those extra minutes.
What Pocket PC do you have? Does it have Bluetooth? Are you looking for a phone that allow you to connect from your PPC to the 'net over Bluetooth?
I currently have an X5, so no bluetooth yet. But I am hoping to upgrade soonish. Likely either the Asus 730 or maybe even the Toshiba 830 if we can get some actual specs soon. My laptop has built-in bluetooth.
Yeah - so on the road, I want to be able to call my husband. Currently I have that covered, so long as I'm in the States. What I'm looking to add is the ability to easily check email for the hotels that may not have wireless, or want to charge me $10-$12 a day for me to use it for a total of 1-2 hours in that day. I'd also REALLY like net access at the airport. If I have to, I can use the kiosky thing. Figuring out phone cards with my laptop is always a pain because different phones have different delays, and I end up either dialing too fast and it doesn't get the number, or dialing too slow and it gives up on me. Maybe I just need a better dial-up program that lets me type it in as I hear the responses. But using a laptop at a pay phone can be a bit annoying.
I'd also be interested in adding the ability to call home FROM Canada (Verizon pay-as-you-go seems to, though they can't seem to tell me how much it actually costs on that plan. Their best guess was 99c/minute). I've been regularly going there once a year, and that may increase to twice a year on average. I don't mind if it's expensive, it's more for emergency and "honey call me back at the hotel" type calls (which is really what I've found to be the CHEAPEST way to talk to my husband when traveling). My Virgin phone didn't work in Vancouver at all.
These are my "needs". Of course, if it's "easy" and "cheap", I'd check my email at the doctor's office, waiting in line at the store, etc... :P But that's clearly not a "need" for me.
Kati Compton
08-09-2004, 08:17 PM
Oh - as for connecting between the PPC and phone - yes, ideally. But if I can access my email via IMAP on the phone and browse the web decently on the phone, it's less critical. I'd find a laptop-phone connection to be more important, because if there's something too complex to do over the phone's interface, it's likely to be too complex for me to want to do via the PPC, and I'll want the full laptop's abilities. Though I suppose I could upload a PPT file by putting it on a CF card from the laptop then transfering it to the PDA and THEN uploading it. ;)
Mike Temporale
08-10-2004, 03:37 PM
Oh - as for connecting between the PPC and phone - yes, ideally. But if I can access my email via IMAP on the phone and browse the web decently on the phone, it's less critical. I'd find a laptop-phone connection to be more important, because if there's something too complex to do over the phone's interface, it's likely to be too complex for me to want to do via the PPC, and I'll want the full laptop's abilities.
Since you have a Bluetooth enabled laptop, I think you should try and get a Bluetooth capable phone. For the reasons you mentioned above, and who knows what else in the future. Maybe your next PPC will have Bluetooth, and you'll use your phone along with it to surf the odd technology site while sitting in the Doctor's office. :wink:
As I mentioned in my last post the C500 is being offered in the UK for free with a contract (based on contracts that are £25 per month or more). Or at a cost of £79.99 if you already have a contract and want to upgrade. And finally £179.99 as a Pay-As-You-Go. Today we have learned that this phone is coming to the US, ( but we have no idea who is going to carry it or at what price. Check out this link ( for some pictures of the C500.
I'm not too familiar with all the phones offered by the various carriers. If you can't wait, it shouldn't be too hard to find a cheap Bluetooth enabled phone that supports IMAP/POP email.
Mike Temporale
08-10-2004, 03:38 PM
On a totally, unrelated note:
I'd also be interested in adding the ability to call home FROM Canada...
Where do you end up when you travel/visit Canada?
Jerry Raia
08-10-2004, 04:43 PM
I use a cingular phone when I'm in Canada. They have a pretty good North America plan. No roaming when im there or call there from the states.
Kati Compton
08-10-2004, 06:12 PM
On a totally, unrelated note:
I'd also be interested in adding the ability to call home FROM Canada...
Where do you end up when you travel/visit Canada?
Most frequently, Vancouver. Though I can see traveling to Toronto and Montreal as well. But the 1x/year definite trip is to Vancouver.
Kati Compton
08-10-2004, 06:13 PM
I use a cingular phone when I'm in Canada. They have a pretty good North America plan. No roaming when im there or call there from the states.
Pardon me for asking, but what do you use when you're *not* in Canada? ;)
What plan is it that doesn't charge roaming/long distance to/from Canada??
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