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View Full Version : Opinons on Database approaches for Smartphone w/offline mode

07-27-2004, 01:45 PM
We are in the process of evaluating whether to develop a field service work order application using Smartphone 2003. Here in Connecticut, the i600 appears to be the best candidate.

Our backend data is in MS SQL, and our user application needs to accomidate for the user being disconnected at times, so some sort of sync needs to happen.

We can't reliably count on a desktop machine in the mix, so I'm looking for a methodology for being able to connect via Smartphone to the the backend data, retrieve latest user specific update data, then cache it locally, accomodating for some user edits to the local store that will be updated in real-time if connectivity is available, or updated next time within coverage.

We are also exploring a potential browser version of this application for use on laptops, perhaps with XML as the means of local storage.

I'm not that smart about smartphones at this point, so any help would be appreciated. I'm looking for an overall approach that would work given my requirements, and perhaps specific development tools that may help us.

Also, I'm open to those offering the expertise to consult on the project.


Mike Temporale
07-27-2004, 02:25 PM
You're going to run into a problem if you use the i600. Those phones are application locked. Which means your application has to be signed before it can be installed on the device. Now, depending on the size of this project and the amount of i600's you will need to buy, you might be able to presure Verizon to unlock them for you.

Now, as for your appliation. The best solution to me sounds like XML Web Services. This would lend itself very nicely to a future laptop/browser based solution too. All the front end has to do is parse the XML, display it, and then retransmit any changes.

07-27-2004, 02:36 PM
Thanks Mike, this may disqaulify Smartphone in the short haul--Verizon is the only decent carrier locally, and project is relatively small. Do you know anyone who has an expertise in the XML webservices arena (doesn't have to be Smartphone)

Mike Temporale
07-27-2004, 02:51 PM
You might still want to check with Verizon. Sometimes polices for Corporate customers are different.

XML Web Services are pretty straight forward. Especially if you're using ASP.NET and VS.NET. Are you looking for full timers, or are you looking to outsource the project development?

07-27-2004, 03:03 PM
Just oursourced projet help