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View Full Version : Themes dissapearing on i600?

07-23-2004, 07:16 PM
I copy themes over to my windows directory on my i600 but as soon as I power down then back up, they are gone. I'm sure I am doing something dumb but can anyone tell me what is going on?


07-23-2004, 07:20 PM
Windows mobile 2003 upgraded from 2002 by the way. :)

Mike Temporale
07-23-2004, 07:30 PM
You've got them in the wrong folder. Any files placed in the windows folder will disappear when the phone is cycled.

You need to place them in \Storage\Application Data\Sounds

07-23-2004, 09:06 PM
I tried doing that and restarted the phone but it isn't working.

There is a graphic file and an xml file. Am I missing something?

07-26-2004, 07:26 PM
You need to place them in \Storage\Application Data\Home

Mike Temporale
07-26-2004, 07:50 PM
You need to place them in \Storage\Application Data\Home

8O :oops: Opps, for some reason I thought we were talking about ringtones... Ya, themes go in the \home folder. Sorry about that.

07-26-2004, 07:58 PM
I put themes into that folder and when I select them, the phone gives me the "no valid home screen layouts can be found..." What's up with that? The same themes worked in 2002.

Mike Temporale
07-26-2004, 08:14 PM
Are these Kleinweder (http://smartphone.kleinweder.ch/downloads/) themes?

If so, you might have to edit the XML file to ensure that the background you wish to use is correctly listed in the file.

07-27-2004, 09:53 PM
Nope, those are the only ones that work. Even when I modify themes on the phone and save them to the correct folder, the theme is selectable from the Home Screens menu but then they show that error message.

Mike Temporale
07-27-2004, 11:38 PM
Can you email a copy of the theme you are having problems with? It might help for me to see the error first hand. Plus, then I could try and mess with things to see where the problem is. My email is mike (at) smartphone thoughts dot com.