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View Full Version : Motorola MPx220 Video And User Guide

Kris Kumar
07-14-2004, 12:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.msmobiles.com/news.php/2804.html' target='_blank'>http://www.msmobiles.com/news.php/2804.html</a><br /><br /></div>Motorola has not officially announced the launch date or the final specifications of its MPx220. We don't know which networks will carry it, and what its price will be. Officially we know very little about the product, yet we know a lot thanks to the spy shots, leaked press releases and trade show reports. And now msmobiles has manged to obtain a video of MPx220 in action and that's not all, the site also has the user guide.<br /><br />I must advise you, the video and the user guide are not meant for the weak at heart. It may cause restlessness, inhibit sleep, and let us not forget the drool puddle that I am trying to clean up :) When will this smartphone hit the stores?

07-14-2004, 03:41 PM
:rock on dude!: :drool: :clap:

I now have to change my keyboard out - too much drool all over it from watching the video...

That is one cool phone!

Kris Kumar
07-14-2004, 04:46 PM
I was surprised to see the AT&T mLife power up screen, instead of Generic or it would have been cool to see T-Mobile logo! So can we assume that AT&T will be carrying it sometime soon.

Also the user guide talks about DRM and Java. Cool!

Wish we could see some sample shots from the phone's camera. I mean the actual images. So that we can figure out if the 1.3M camera is any good or not.

And yes! I too love the keyboard. That will be the biggest reason for me to dump my MPx200. Also WM2003 and BT.

07-14-2004, 06:41 PM
I was surprised to see the AT&T mLife power up screen. So can we assume that AT&T will be carrying it sometime soon.

And yes! I too love the keyboard. That will be the biggest reason for me to dump my MPx200.

Call me foolish to jump to conclusions, but that was an extremely authentic ATTWS power up screen.....I'm taking it as final confirmation that it will be availible on ATTWS (among others). For me, that's great news!

What keyboard are you refering to? The phones keypad? Did I miss something in the video or manual?

I am waiting to sign up as a new subscriber for ATTWS as soon as they have this phone (or possibly the MPx100 if it comes out first, as my need for an MS Smartphone has been around for sometime). Hopefully it won't be too much longer, with a power on screen like that. And I fully believe the main reason for the delay is to deplete ATTWS stock of MPx200's, meaning the device could be launched at any time.

Kris Kumar
07-14-2004, 07:55 PM
What keyboard are you refering to? The phones keypad? Did I miss something in the video or manual?

My bad..wrote keyboard instead of keypad. Sorry for the confusion..

MPx220 has bigger/wider buttons compared to MPx200. So my post should have said:

"And yes! I love the keypad too."

07-15-2004, 02:21 PM
keys are bigger but i had to take some minutes to like them...

if you tell me what you want to see/be reviewed/tested then drop me a note!

also i am calling for any motorola guys here to provide me with the latest rom - i know they are out there but i have no reliable sourec - drop me a mail: haedrich (at) msn.com!

as you can see i am just trying to make the smartphone community even more hungry for that phone.

cheers, lutz aka as "the producer" ;-)

(Admin --> Modified email address to slow spam engines. ;) )

Mike Temporale
07-15-2004, 02:45 PM
Welcome to SPT lutzh!

if you tell me what you want to see/be reviewed/tested then drop me a note!

I would love to see more on that front display. What's it look like when a new call arrives? What does it display when there is nothing going on - time?

as you can see i am just trying to make the smartphone community even more hungry for that phone.

And you are doing an excellent job at that too!.

BTW --> are you asking for a copy of the latest ROM for a phone that hasen't even been released yet? That has to be hard to come by.

07-15-2004, 10:39 PM
thank you very much for the warm welcome - i am reading here for a while, but because i am german i mostly hang around on european boards... i just found out that this was mentioned here because i've subscribed to your newsletter...

sure i am asking here for help from motorola - where if not here? and thank you for making my mail adress less spammy;-)

ok, here are some answers to your questions: the outside display is a coloured display and can be run in two modes:


in standard mode, you see nothing. it is not illuminated while nothing is going on, you have to press a key to see this like on the pictures.

on a incoming call you can see the face of the caller once you have attached caller id & picture to a contact. as you can see i haven't done that so there is no picture to see, only a "dummy". also shown: the numer of the incoming call or his name.


you can see me playing with it a little here:


anything else you want me to check? again: i would be thankful for a motorola contact - this is your chance, motorola, to make sales rates sky rocket....

cheers, lutz

Kris Kumar
07-16-2004, 03:59 AM
Welcome Lutz,

Glad that you are hanging around on SmartphoneThoughts.com.

I have a few things..

1. How is the signal strength or reception compared to MPx200. Both have internal antennas. And in US GSM reception varies or is weak in a lot of areas. I am sure the readers would like to know that. Also I believe the protrusion on the top of the phone is the antenna?

2. Need some sample photos taken with the camera on the phone. Without the zoom.

3. Battery life, now that it has Bluetooth.

Thanks :-)

07-16-2004, 04:03 AM
Read through the manual and saw no refrence to the speaker phone. Does it have one? is it 2003 SE or 2003?

Mike Temporale
07-16-2004, 01:39 PM
is it 2003 SE or 2003?

From the video, it looks like 2003 SE. You can see the Windows Logo next to the start button if you watch very carefully. At least, I hope that was what I saw. :wink:

07-16-2004, 03:41 PM
I am very new to this haveing a very old Moto phone and a pocket PC (HP). I am thinking of ditching both in favor of the 220.
How expensive would data charges typically be to be connected to MSN Messenger in plans in the USA?