Kris Kumar
07-11-2004, 09:00 PM
Seems like Verizon is ready to release the much awaited Smartphone 2003 update for the Samsung i600 tomorrow, Monday, July 12th 2004 :D <br /><br />Following excerpt is from an e-mail response by Verizon Wireless Data Technical Support, in response to Robert's inquiry. This information was posted by Robert in the <a href="">microsoft.public.smartphone newsgroup.</a><br /><br />"The update is scheduled to become available on this <i>coming Monday, the 12th of July</i>. The update will be available as a download from our <a href=""></a> website, or from select retail stores. Customers that are currently using either of our PDA/Smartphone data plans will be entitled to the upgrade free of charge until September 30th. Customers without a PDA/Smartphone data plan will be required to pay $15 for the update. After October 1st, all i600 users will be required to pay $15 for the update. <i>Please check our <a href=""></a> website on Monday for more information</i>."<br /><br />I don't own an i600 but I am sure the ones who do own it, will be keeping their fingers crossed after reading this post. I hope the news comes true.