Kris Kumar
07-09-2004, 11:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"Some enterprising New Zealand schoolchildren have developed a cheap ( about US$48 ) cellphone detector which they say is for use in deterring classroom texting, exam cheating, and unauthorised cellphone use in a variety of other environments (plane cabins, prisons, and so forth). We bet they’re really popular with their classmates now. At least they’re not out rustling sheep or something."</i><br /><br />CellTrac-r developed by these kids is totally sold out, not surprising considering the increased attention on security nowadays. Do you think in the future, these devices will be used in churches, libraries, conference rooms, airplanes and other such places? One thing I am glad is that the device scans the air waves for RF signals. So the PDA part of the Smartphone will not trigger off an alarm, provided you switch the phone to Airplane Mode. I wonder if anyone is working on camera phone detection device, I am sure that will be a big hit too :D