Mike Temporale
06-16-2004, 06:00 PM
The first change I made when I got my Smartphone was turning off that annoying beep every time you push a button. The problem is, once you turn off that beep (Settings / Sounds / Keypad Control: None) you will no longer hear the number tones when you dial. I have a registry hack that will silence the annoying button beep, but keep the dial tone sounds. <br /><br />A word or warning. This change requires you to modify the registry of your Smartphone. Mistakes made when editing the registry can potential cause your phone to stop working. I strongly suggest <a href="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5261">backing up your Smartphone</a> prior to making any changes. <br /> <!> <br />For this guide I have used PHM Registry Editor. You can learn more about it <a href="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4926">here.</a><br /><br />First thing to do is set your phones Keypad Control to Tone. That can be done under Start / Settings / Sounds - Scroll down until you see Keypad Control. Change this to Tone.<br /><br />Now Launch PHM Registry Editor. If you don't have it install, then go download and install it now. See the above link for the PHM website. Scroll down and highlight HKEY_Current_User and then select it<br /> Scroll down and highlight ControlPanel and then select it<br /> Scroll down and highlight Sounds and then select it<br /> Scroll down and highlight keypress and then select it<br /> Press the Values button<br /> Scroll down and highlight Script and then select it<br /> In the Value Data field you should see the letter "p". Cursor to the right, and then press the Back button to erase it.<br /> Press the Done button<br /> Now press the Home button to return to your Home Screen.<br />Now try moving the around your Home Screen. If you have done everything as outlined above, the annoying beep has been silenced. Now start to dial a number and you will still hear those familiar sounds.