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View Full Version : Who's Going to MDC?

Robert Levy
03-19-2004, 06:26 PM
There are just a couple more days until the fun (http://www.microsoftmdc.com) begins in San Francisco. I'll refrain from posting more propoganda on how much this event is going to rock (anyone interested can find that on my personal blog (http://robertlevy.net/)). Instead, here are two quick pre-show questions: Who's coming? I'd love to meet up with you to talk geek and get feedback on SPT, MDC, and the Windows Mobile developer experience. What are your expectations and speculations? What do you hope to learn? Who do you hope to network with? Are there any specific software/hardware/services that you think might be announced?

Kris Kumar
03-19-2004, 07:14 PM
I am attending MDC...would definitely like to meet you.

The things on my agenda
- Bill Gates Keynote (not to forget the Spoof video :-))
- Have couple of developer questions (hoping to get them answered in Meet the experts)
- Hands on lab & post conf session.
- Buy a whole bunch of MDC shirts for my colleagues back at work


PS: Dont know if there will be a Verizon representative. But like to know if they have developer program, where you can get the phones unlocked for debug and development. Robert, maybe you know the answer to this one.

03-20-2004, 04:18 AM
I'll be there...

03-20-2004, 04:57 PM
I'll be there too. Kris, perhaps I'll bump into you at ATE on Thursday night. Don't forget the spoof video on day two as well, in the second keynote!


03-21-2004, 08:12 PM
I'll be there Tuesday morning, staying at the W. I'd love to meet up with everyone.

David McNamee
03-22-2004, 04:20 PM
Have fun guys! I have a customer obligation and am stuck at home waiting for press releases and white papers to be pushed onto MSDN.

Be sure and catch Don Box's keynote... I'm really interested to hear him talk about mobile devices in a service-oriented world.

Kris Kumar
03-23-2004, 05:45 PM
Anyone attending the Mappoint Pre-Conf Session? I am.
