Jason Dunn
03-01-2004, 09:07 PM
The long-awaited moment for some of us is here: <a href="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/">Digital Media Thoughts</a> has launched! This is the third site in the <a href="http://www.thoughtsmedia.com/">Thoughts Media Inc.</a> group of Web sites. Let me <a href="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/index.php?topic_id=4486">quote myself to explain what the site is about</a>:"My fellow geeks, welcome to Digital Media Thoughts! It brings me great pleasure to launch this new site dedicated to all things digital media. I'm tremendously excited about digital media, and have been for a long time. I remember the first time I digitized a clip off a VHS tape - it was thrilling to take vulnerable atom-based, analogue data, and transform it into immortal bit-based digital form. I have a strong archival streak in me - I enjoy capturing memories, archiving them, and getting creative with presenting the memories. I'm the kind of person who snaps a lot of photos at family events, then the same day I'll transfer them over to my computer, re-name them all, rotate the images, and probably get rid of the red-eye and crop them all to boot. I'm serious about preserving memories!Our focus here at Digital Media Thoughts is to make this site the most useful site possible for you as a digital media enthusiast. We'll post daily bits of news gathered from around the Web, link to the best articles and reviews we find on other sites, and write our own reviews, columns, and step by step tutorials. We've put together a team of opinionated editors, so expect to see a few rants and raves popping up - we're not afraid to share our opinions here at Digital Media Thoughts, and while we have sponsors and bills like most sites, they don't influence our editorial freedom. We'll tell you exactly what we think, every time."We've partnered with some of the best companies out there in the world of digital media, including Ulead, Adobe, Microsoft, Shuttle, ADS Technologies, Verbatim, Picasa, muvee, ACD Systems, NTI, Pinnacle Systems, Griffin Technology, 55ware, and many more. So far, we have <b>over $8500 USD in prizes</b>, but you know what? It's not enough! :D I want the prize bucket to get even bigger, the prizes even more impressive, before we start the contest. How can you make sure you're entered in this contest you might ask? It's simple - <a href="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/forums/profile.php?mode=register">just be a registered member of our forums</a>. When the time comes (probably two weeks from now), we'll be picking names from people who have registered in our forums. So <a href="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/forums/profile.php?mode=register">register today!</a>Stop by <a href="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/">Digital Media Thoughts</a> and have a look - we've published two great digital camera reviews, and are off to a great start with the introduction of two new Contributing Editors: Suhit Gupta, and Kent "Foo Fighter" Pribbernow.