02-15-2004, 04:21 AM
Currently on a 15 day trial with VzW with an i700, and it certainly has it all. But the form factor is just on the edge of a bit big.
I got to wondering how an i600 loaded up with Splash Photo, Mobi Reader and a note program, would stack up? Would lack a camera of course.
The no stylus handling looks pretty intuiative but I'm wondering if it is problematic for old stylus users like me.
Also, there seems to be some issue whether Mobi Pocket ebook reader is ready to go? Perhaps the "fix" mentioned in a recent thread resolves the "manual file installation" mentioned at mobi site?
I read a lot of ebooks and it is GREAT to see a hi res 16 bit display again on the i700. Althouth it seems it shouldn't matter, the 160x240, 8 bit on the i330 actually made my eyes tired pretty quickly.
I'm trying to determine how crisp and easy on the eyes to read an ebook would look on the 176x220, 16 bit display.
Would really appreciate the thoughts of anyone else who's been down this same I want form factor (i600) or full bore function (i700)?
I don't do many power apps, no web browsing, seldom listen to mp3, no email from phone. Frankly routine business phone calls, ebook reading and looking at pics of my twins are my biggest uses.
Camera would tie in well with my company web site, it is picture heavy, but not a neccessity.
I got to wondering how an i600 loaded up with Splash Photo, Mobi Reader and a note program, would stack up? Would lack a camera of course.
The no stylus handling looks pretty intuiative but I'm wondering if it is problematic for old stylus users like me.
Also, there seems to be some issue whether Mobi Pocket ebook reader is ready to go? Perhaps the "fix" mentioned in a recent thread resolves the "manual file installation" mentioned at mobi site?
I read a lot of ebooks and it is GREAT to see a hi res 16 bit display again on the i700. Althouth it seems it shouldn't matter, the 160x240, 8 bit on the i330 actually made my eyes tired pretty quickly.
I'm trying to determine how crisp and easy on the eyes to read an ebook would look on the 176x220, 16 bit display.
Would really appreciate the thoughts of anyone else who's been down this same I want form factor (i600) or full bore function (i700)?
I don't do many power apps, no web browsing, seldom listen to mp3, no email from phone. Frankly routine business phone calls, ebook reading and looking at pics of my twins are my biggest uses.
Camera would tie in well with my company web site, it is picture heavy, but not a neccessity.