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View Full Version : mobileclipper.com?

Santa Fe
01-22-2004, 09:14 PM
Has anyone tried this? http://www.mobileclipper.com/index.html

For a fee of about $20/year you can according to them "clip any information you might want to view on the move. When you need a clip, it's a simple case of selecting a predefined phone bookmark and there's no text to enter.

Clips might be news, weather, live sports results, lottery results, flight arrivals, live train departure times, TV listings, travel information stock quotes or anything you need while traveling."

Jason Dunn
01-23-2004, 01:12 AM
Yeah, they emailed us about it and I'm planning on taking it for a spin tomorrow...looks quite interesting!

Santa Fe
01-23-2004, 01:54 AM
I tried a couple of the samples and found them pretty good. But $20/year might be more than I'd use it. However I'd pay that for flight updates for sure. Let us know.