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View Full Version : Handango Gives Back

Robert Levy
01-13-2004, 01:13 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.handango.com/NewsArticle.jsp?siteId=1&jid=88EXD28X111A8FFC7AD2849A5B2D2B17&articleId=3546' target='_blank'>http://www.handango.com/NewsArticle.jsp?siteId=1&jid=88EXD28X111A8FFC7AD2849A5B2D2B17&articleId=3546</a><br /><br /></div>HURST, Texas - January 12, 2003 - Handango, the leading provider of mobile downloads, announced today the Handango Give Back program. Non-profit organizations, mobile software user groups, schools, universities and hospitals will earn cash on every purchase made by their members. The Give Back program provides non-profit supporters, students and user group members the opportunity to show support for their organizations and help fund group activities as well as provide funds for new resources.<br /><br />To participate, qualified organizations will receive a Give Back code for their members. These codes are used to identify the customer as a member of an organization. Anytime a member purchases any of the 50,000 software applications available at <a href="http://www.handango.com">www.handango.com</a>, Handango will donate 5% of total purchases from members back to the respective group. <br /><br />"We are excited to give mobile customers the opportunity to show support for their organization," said Randy Eisenman, president and chief executive officer of Handango. "The program not only benefits these worthy groups but also the mobile software economy by allowing these organizations to spread the rewards of mobile software to their membership."