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View Full Version : Lesson: Dont by a phone on ebay

12-05-2003, 05:28 AM
I posted the other day I bought an i600 on ebay for $498. Well, it ends up the phone was stolen... or at least had a "stolen status." THANKS GOD the seller was honest and just selling the phone for his buddy. He was going to ship it today, and asked his friend to double check it wasnt hot. Sure enough, it was. I was very lucky, and got a refund. Imagine if I found out when I went to get it activated!

Well the story goes that the dude bought the phone and whatever, then canceled his plan in the 15 days and reported the phone stolen so he could keep it for free. What kind of idiot thinks he can report a phone stolen and then sell it, without getting SCREWED? Supposedly the guy I bought from use to sell stolen phones too, but stolen GSM phones, where the buyer puts in their own SIM and no one knows the difference. This is why he even questioned his friend if it had a stolen status. The guy had one negative feedback... that a buyer couldnt get his sprint phone activated. He confirmed with me that it was cause it was stolen. I guess they forgot the difference between gsm and cdma phones :roll:

Well, I dont know what to do now. :(

12-06-2003, 12:48 AM
Certainly it's a risk, but I have purchased several cell phones on ebay without any problems. You should question anyone selling the i600 on ebay right now given the 15 day return window. First question I would ask them is when they bought it and if they can provide proof of purchase.