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View Full Version : Motorola MPX200 Top Selling Mobile Phone

Andy Sjostrom
10-30-2003, 08:28 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/wireless/301185/ref%3Dw%5Fhp%5Ftn%5F2/002-6559767-9596867' target='_blank'>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/wireless/301185/ref%3Dw%5Fhp%5Ftn%5F2/002-6559767-9596867</a><br /><br /></div>Check out Amazon.com's "Most Popular Items" mobile phone list! The <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000DIXEV/ref=pd_ts_w_6/002-6559767-9596867?v=glance&s=wireless&n=301185">Motorola MPX200</a> is currently the #6 seller making it the #1 best selling phone that is not "free". 8)<br /><br /><img src="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/mpx200_1.JPG" alt="User submitted image" title="User submitted image"/>

Mike Temporale
10-30-2003, 01:52 PM
Wow. Outselling the Treo 300 (#11), Sidekick (#13), Treo 270 (#15).

It's also the first phone on the list with a 5 gold star rating. The next closest phone is the SE T616 (#8).

Good job Motorola (and Microsoft) looks like you have a winner with this phone. :way to go:

10-30-2003, 02:13 PM
i purchased my phone on the 25th. They have been having problems getting them out the door. Aparantly there is a brake-down in the order processing. I called twice to get an update and the second person told me of the glitch. I should be seeing my phone in the next couple of days. They also said that they had the phones in stock ready to go. Plus AT&T wasn't doing the credit check well, holding things up. Well see...

10-30-2003, 03:03 PM
I hope i'm not the only one who knows that Motorola didn't manufacture this phone. While it's a great phone, and has special significance as the first Smartphone launched in the States, i'm astonished by all the reviews.

I read all the people delighted to have a Smartphone built to "typical" Motorola quality - it's made in China!!!

10-30-2003, 03:16 PM
I hope Amazon can extend their rebate. I'd like to get one now, but I want to port my existing number, and can't do that until the end of November at the earliest.

10-30-2003, 04:47 PM
read all the people delighted to have a Smartphone built to "typical" Motorola quality - it's made in China!!!

Just because the phone is built in China doesn't mean you should expect poor quality. Make no mistake, Motorola had signficant involvement in the design and manufacturing of the phone, and their quality assurance processes are amazing.

10-30-2003, 05:34 PM
By CMCS (Chi Mei Communications Systems), fyi. They make most of Moto's phones, and several other makes, as I understand it.

10-30-2003, 10:12 PM
I just received my MPx200 from Amazon and I am absolutely amazed...it is a huge, huge step forward from my SPV (original). It is speedy, there are no slowdowns as of yet (ex. Windows Media Player took no time at all to launch with all my MP3s and WMAs on my SD card, while with my SPV it took around 10 seconds). The screen is impressive, and the speakerphone/speaker for MP3s is awesome too...quite loud. I would love a camera but I can live.

My only peeve so far is the included headphones (didn't expect much)...and the adapter I bought for my SPV unfortunately does not work (fully)...it only outputs sound to one channel, not both.

I'm sure an adapter will be available soon.

All in all, I'm very impressed...and I haven't even had the phone unlocked for phone features yet (waiting on GSMPhoneSource)