Jason Dunn
06-10-2011, 04:00 PM
<p><object width="600" height="360" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/_eWqHNX3mL4&feature=channel_video_title&ap=%26fmt=18" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_eWqHNX3mL4&feature=channel_video_title&ap=%26fmt=18" /></object></p><p>The <a href="http://www.noreve.com/langue/en/product/Housse_cuir_Apple_iPad_2.html" target="_blank">Noreve iPad 2 Leather Sleeve</a> is a simple product that does the job of protecting your iPad 2 in style - it retails for 79.99 Euro, which is about $118 USD depending on the currency rate. It' not a cheap case - it's a high-end, almost fashion-like product for a certain type of buyer. The leather is luxurious and the case screams quality. Check out the video for the full review.</p><p><em>Jason Dunn owns and operates </em><em><a href="http://www.thoughtsmedia.com/" target="_blank">Thoughts Media Inc.</a></em><em>, a company dedicated to creating the best in online communities. He enjoys </em><em><a href="http://photos.jasondunn.com/" target="_blank">photography</a></em><em>, mobile devices, </em><em><a href="http://www.jasondunn.com/" target="_blank">blogging</a></em><em>, digital media content creation/editing, and pretty much all technology. He lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with his lovely wife, his wonderful son Logan, and his sometimes obedient dog. He felt like he might have "settled" for the iPad 2, but wasn't willing to wait for Android to mature.</em></p><p><em></em><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com//ppct/auto/1240336793.usr1.gif" /></p><p><strong>Do you enjoy using new hardware, <a class="iAs" href="http://www.digitalhomethoughts.com/news/show/93798/dell-s-inspiron-mini-10-reviewed.html" target="_blank">software</a> and accessories, then sharing your experience with others? Then join us on the <a href="http://www.thoughtsmedia.com/reviewteam.php" target="_blank">Thoughts Media Review Team</a>! We're looking for individuals who find it fun to test new gear and give their honest opinions about the experience. It's a volunteer role with some great perks. Interested? <a href="http://www.thoughtsmedia.com/reviewteam.php" target="_blank">Then click here for more information.</a></strong></p><p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com//ppct/auto/1240336793.usr1.gif" /></p><p> </p>