Jason Dunn
02-26-2011, 10:50 PM
<p>When we reported last week that <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com/news/show/104062/zune-originals-now-available-in-canada.html" target="_blank">Zune Originals were now available for Canadians</a> to order from, well, it seems that wasn't exactly true. Zune Thoughts reader Bob tried to order one, but the US site doesn't allow for the input of Canadian provinces. When he tried to toggle the location to Canada, the site fails to load. He contacted Zune tech support about the issue, and this was their response:</p><p><em>"Dear Bob, </em></p><p><em>Thank you for your inquiry. The Zune HD devices have recently become available to Canadian customers. Unfortunately, the Canadian Zune Store website is currently under construction to accommodate the new changes. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes you. We recommend periodically checking the website, it should be up and running by next week.</em></p><p><em>Welcome to the Social! </em></p><h6><em>Sincerely,</em></h6><h6><em>Rebecca C</em></h6><h6><em>The Zune Originals Team"</em></h6><p>So it seem like the announcement from the Zune team was a bit premature - no Zune Originals for us Canucks just yet!</p>