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View Full Version : Best Personal Media Streaming Tool? Lifehacker Readers Say PS3 Media Server

Jason Dunn
12-15-2010, 11:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://lifehacker.com/5713376/best-personal-media-streaming-tool-ps3-media-server' target='_blank'>http://lifehacker.com/5713376/best-...s3-media-server</a><br /><br /></div><p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/dht/auto/1292449324.usr1.jpg" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>Lifehacker had a <a href="http://lifehacker.com/5712459/five-best-personal-media-streaming-tools" target="_blank">vote where they asked their readers</a> what the best media streaming software was, and <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/" target="_blank">PS3 Media Server</a> came out on top. I'll be honest, I've never even heard of it - but then again, I've sort of given up on media streaming from my PC and that's why I bought the Boxee Box. Still, looking at the feature set - and the fact that they're working to support more than just the PS3 - it looks pretty compelling. But...Java? Ewwww!</p>