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View Full Version : LastPass for Windows Phone 7 Will Appear, As Soon As They Figure Out How to Fix It!

Jon Westfall
12-15-2010, 03:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://blog.lastpass.com/2010/12/windows-phone-7-update.html' target='_blank'>http://blog.lastpass.com/2010/12/wi...e-7-update.html</a><br /><br /></div><p><em>"We have had many users ask us when the Windows Phone 7 app will be available and our response for the last month or two has been 'any day now'. Unfortunately, it is still not available today. As a team that prides itself on trying to be quick to deliver LastPass on the newest platforms and devices, we feel like we owe an explanation to all users who have been eagerly waiting. As you might already know, Windows Phone 7 is nothing like the previous Windows Mobile devices. They changed everything, including the distribution model for apps. All installs must go through Microsoft (similar to Apple's control of iPhone apps) and all apps must be first approved. This is where the major holdup has been."</em></p><p><em><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com//wpt/auto/1292421655.usr7.png" style="border: 0px solid #d2d2bb;" /></em></p><p>Part of the reason I use LastPass is because it runs on <em>freaking everything</em>&nbsp;I could ever use, and if it's a new product, it will have LastPass on it in fairly short order. Windows Phone 7 is no exception, however the LastPass crew has hit a small snag in the form of the Marketplace validation process. This is a process I have experience with as well, so I can vouch for the frustration the LastPass crew is feeling now. Don't get me wrong - it's not that the Marketplace validation reports I receive aren't helpful, in some cases though, they just aren't helpful enough. Case and point? A recent failure report I got listed the steps to reproduce as "Constantly change the values within the appropriate areas", which while true, could have been more helpful (e.g., "Constantly change the values (specifically to X) within the appropriate areas."). Don't get me wrong, it's a much nicer system than a blanket "You fail", but come on Microsoft, if you're going to give a report, at least go all the way with the usefulness factor! I mean, after all, your testers know what value they put in to crash my app, why not tell that to me?<em></em></p>

Sven Johannsen
12-15-2010, 06:15 PM
but come on Microsoft, if you're going to give a report, at least go all the way with the usefulness factor! I mean, after all, your testers know what value they put in to crash my app, why not tell that to me?
So a helicopter pilot caught in the thick fog is having trouble figuring out where he is. He flies close to a building and holds up a sign to the occupants, "Where am I?" The occupants quickly scribble a sign back, "You are in a helicopter." The pilot veers off and flies straigh to the airport to land. His amazed passengers ask, how that response helped. The pilot said, "the response was absolutely accurate, and absolutely useless, so I knew I was at Microsoft."

Jon Westfall
12-15-2010, 06:18 PM
So a helicopter pilot caught in the thick fog is having trouble figuring out where he is. He flies close to a building and holds up a sign to the occupants, "Where am I?" The occupants quickly scribble a sign back, "You are in a helicopter." The pilot veers off and flies straigh to the airport to land. His amazed passengers ask, how that response helped. The pilot said, "the response was absolutely accurate, and absolutely useless, so I knew I was at Microsoft."

One of my favorite (and frequently told) jokes ;)

Kacey Green
12-16-2010, 01:25 AM
I liked that one.

My time with the testing team has gone smoother, they told me exactly how to reprodce their errors, I found how to reproduce using different steps and thus what part of the code was acting up. Unfortunately they stop at the first error, so it took 3 submissions before my app went through.

The updated app sailed through on its first submission, so Ive submitted 2 "different" apps to their process and I'm glad I didn't experiance a horror story of my own.

Kacey Green
12-16-2010, 01:27 AM
I switched to lastpass last night after seeing that they're working on WP7, and SiberSystems hasn't said anything about that platform.

Their WM app never worked once for me, it'd start up, and sync but the mobile app did nothing :(.

Easy choice

12-16-2010, 10:21 AM
I switched to lastpass last night after seeing that they're working on WP7, and SiberSystems hasn't said anything about that platform.

Their WM app never worked once for me, it'd start up, and sync but the mobile app did nothing :(.

Easy choice

Is it safe ?