12-07-2010, 01:53 AM
ok so i havent gotten a reply from anyone on microsoft yet. i have a 120gb zune. i had over 4000 songs, 74 movies, and multiple folders of pictures. my computer got a virus and it forced me to reformat my computer to the way it was when it came out of the factory. so i redownloaded zune software and hooked up my zune to it. but it was set to automatically sync my zune with the files that was on my computer, which at the time was nothing because of the reformat. somehow not all of it got erased, but of what was left i moved it from my zune to the software. so i have about 7gb of music on my software at the moment, that is also the only data i can use on my zune. but the rest of the 45gb that was erased says its reserved space. and ive been looking into this a little and i guess its still there but its reserved for the other computer, which is the same computer but its been reformatted so its gone. i just really want to know how i can recover all this data from this reserved space so i dont have to go through all my CDs and redownload all my music and videos. please help me.