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View Full Version : RIM Playbook vs. the iPad in Browser Performance Tests

Jason Dunn
11-16-2010, 06:17 PM
<p><object width="600" height="360" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/s72rGDUn2uo&amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;ap=%26fmt=18" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/s72rGDUn2uo&amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;ap=%26fmt=18" /></object></p><p>Keeping in mind of course that this is a video from RIM, it's still hard to dismiss the differences shown in the video - the Playbook appears to handily beat the iPad in terms of browser performance. But performance isn't everything; it needs to be balanced off against battery life. The iPad has a single core Cortex A8 processor at 1 Ghz; the RIM Playbook has two cores, possibly based on the Cortex A9 processor. So while it performance faster, it might also chew through battery life faster - until the final specs are known, and independent battery tests can be performed, it's too early to make a call. Still, things are looking good for the RIM Playbook!</p>

Michael Knutson
11-16-2010, 11:54 PM
pretty impressive! I worked with the QNX guys in Waterloo many, many years ago setting up a full OS/browser for my company's remote users that -all- fit on a 3.5-inch boot floppy, so I'm certain that the system will scream! If the software works controlling nuclear reactors, controlling a tablet should be a piece of cake for a subset.