Netbooks on Their Way Out Already?
"Dear people who yelled at me when I said netbooks were garbage: I was right. IDC is reporting that sales of netbooks running the Atom platform are flat." 
Putting aside the argument I have with the report says nothing about netbooks being garbage, or that is the reason why they are no longer selling as much, I do think it interesting to recognize the netbook. It arrived on the leading edge of a mobility push and it has changed our expectations of computers. We are seeing announcements with netbook class devices boasting 10+ hours of life! The writer suggests that netbooks are akin to useless computers and people are recognizing it. I think it is more a matter of competition. What may eventually remove all need of the netbook will be the continued rise of the smartphone. Especially as more companies and people better provide mobile websites and apps, people will turn to those as their primary, if not only computing device.