Mozy is NOT Working on a Windows Home Server Software Client
UPDATE: James Jolley, Marketing Manager at Mozy, emailed me to say that everything I was told below was 100% false. Mozy is not working on a Windows Home Server version of their software. The tech support representative gave me false information - I have no idea why he'd do that, so I'm pretty upset at feeling duped. I asked Jolley for a quote regarding Mozy's stance on Windows Home Server and why there's no solution for it yet, but after five days I haven't heard back from Jolley and I suspect I'm not going to. UPDATE #2: Devin Knighton, who does PR for Mozy got back to me and provided the following quote: "Mozy supports Windows Server with its MozyPro offering, not MozyHome. We do not have any plans at this time to include server support in our MozyHome Unlimited offering." To give you some perspective on how unrealistic this is, I have 418 GB of data backed up with Mozy right now. If I were to back up that same amount of data using MozyPro, it would cost me $215 USD/month. Right now I pay $4.33 USD/month. Those numbers speak for themselves, so I guess I'll continue to use my current setup to back up my data to Mozy. I think there's a market her for someone to come along and win customers away from Mozy, so hopefully someone will step up and provide a great backup solution for Windows Home Server customers. Every few months, if I happen to remember to do so, I'll email Mozy and beg ask them to create a version of their software for the Windows Home Server platform. I think Mozy is fantastic (here's an affiliate link if you want to sign up) but I've been irked that they haven't had a Windows Home Server version of their software since that's where all my data is centrally stored. Every time I've emailed them in the past, they've told me that since it's a server, I'd need to use their MozyPro service, which is much more expensive. That's missing the "home" part of the product name of course, because it's a product aimed at home users and those users can't going to pay the rates that MozyPro charges. When I emailed Mozy again a few days ago, I was expecting the same canned response, but imagine my surprise when I received this response instead: "Our Research team is working to develop a client for Windows Home Server for MozyHome customers. Once it is developed you can switch back to MozyHome and back up Windows Home Server." That's great news! I'm not sure when they'll release it - one would hope sometime this year - or what it will cost, but at least they're working on it. I'm willing to pay a bit more for a Windows Home Server version, but not much more. I hope Mozy doesn't price this in the range of MozyPro. Oh, and as a side note, if you're not already using online backup service, ask yourself this question: if you lost everything on your computer today, including the backups you probably keep in your house or even attached to your computer, would you pay $5/month to get it all back? If so, then sign up for Mozy today and save yourself from that feeling of regret. I heard back from the Mozy support tech was shared this information with me and he said it "should be launched very shortly." Sounds like it won't be much of a wait after all!