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View Full Version : WWDC is Coming... Time For Predictions and a Contest!

Vincent Ferrari
06-05-2009, 02:00 PM
<p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/at/auto/1244205105.usr18053.jpeg" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>Alrighty, folks.Â* WWDC is upon us, so you have the whole weekend to get your predictions on the record.Â* I have some beautiful Vaja and Senna iPhone 3G cases in my goodie bag to give away, so here's what we're going to do...</p><p>In the comments section, leave 3-5 predictions for WWDC.Â* We'll give away one case to a random commenter, and one case to the person who went most out on a limb and hit a nail on the head.Â* The cases are valued anywhere from $30 to $75 so this is a good giveaway for you all to take part in, and it's pretty easy stuff.</p><p><strong>Rules:</strong></p><p>1.Â* Minimum 3 predictions per post. One entry per thread, although you're welcome to post as much as you want, we'll only count one post.</p><p>2.Â* Open to residents of the US and Canada only for the cases but international readers can have a $35 electronic Amazon gift certificate if they happen to win.</p><p>4.Â* Editors of the site will judge whose predictions were best including whether or not they just repeated what we already knew.Â* More weight will be given to those that don't predict the obvious.</p><p>5.Â* Don't flood the comments section with multiple lists of predictions just to win the "random reader" prize.</p><p>6.Â* All decisions are <strong>final</strong>.</p><p>7.Â* <strong>No whining</strong>!</p><p>Good luck, and here's to a great WWDC!</p>

The Yaz
06-05-2009, 02:56 PM
Here goes nothing:

1) A direct competition to Microsoft's SYNC, Apple will introduce a smart dock system that will allow hands free voice control with iPod/iPhone in a vehicle. This package will go SYNC one further, allowing the iPhone to remote start the car for those cold mornings ;)

2) New iPhone will introduce a built-in thermostat. This feature will be the beginning of a whole slew of applications starting with a "mood screen" that will change the background colors depending on the temperature of the person holding the phone. Someday it will be sensitive enough to use as a diagnostic tool for medical personnel or a lie detector for law enforcement.

3) iPhone Sport- The rumors of a mini version of the iPhone miss the fact that smaller version is designed to be waterproof and shock resistant. In addition to a special sport harness, this phone would be available with a satellite antenna to allow the user to call anywhere or be found anywhere in the world!

4) Custom plates- Taking a cue from its competition, the iPhone can be special ordered from Apple with custom colored backs. Also the laser engraving can be enhanced with special dye infusions for an additional cost.

5) iPhone handset- A Bluetooth device that syncs two devices (Bluetooth Headset & iPhone) at the same time. It allows the user to dial or text on a keypad the size of a business card. Using E-Ink technology, the designation on the keys can change from a number pad to a qwerty keyboard. This will increase screen space when typing and save the user from pulling out the iphone when dialing a number.

I know I'm going 0-5, but at least my guesses are not the media's picks!

Steve :cool:

06-05-2009, 03:29 PM
1. First, all the expected stuff: 3.0 OS, newer iPhone with 32GB, magnetic compass, autofocus for camera, linking 2 or more iPhones for gaming...
2. Front screen camera for video chat
3. Voice dialing and commands
4. Faster processor
5. Rubber back to avoid slippage
6. Steve Jobs is officially stepping down and retiring...

(some of these are what I want, not what I expect.... ;-)

06-05-2009, 04:27 PM
1 - Voice Dialing on the iPhone
2 - Steve Jobs will make a special guest appearance
3 - Demonstration on how Snow Leopard will trounce Windows 7
4 - Announce development on the "iTablet" - it will be ready "in about a year"

06-05-2009, 08:10 PM
1) Not to steal a guess....but Jobs will be there.
2) iPhone Video & MMS....but AT&T will introduce a new, higher cost data plan to cover the additional costs for this and tethering.
3) AT&T has almost never put a front facing camera on their versions of phones, even if the originals (HTC) were designed to have them. So no Video Chat
4) New drop down window shade toolbar for quick WiFI/Bluetooth control access
5) Genius for iPhone apps
6) WiFi Sync.
7) Synchronization of Notes & Files

I'm sleepy!

06-07-2009, 01:28 AM
New phones
New iPhone OS
Leopard will ship early
A video of Jobs hinting at something special is coming
New app store features
Massive amounts of Red Bull were required during Schiller's keynote

06-07-2009, 03:39 AM
I predict that everybody will have something that they predicted that will be wrong.

06-08-2009, 10:06 PM
I predict that everybody will have something that they predicted that will be wrong.

I was right!

Snow Leopard at $29 should put a lot of pressure on Microsoft for Windows 7. I'm liking the iPhone 3Gs; I'm glad that I had that two year contract not expiring until this December, that's for sure. I'm also really, really glad that my daughter and I held off on buying her a 13" MacBook after she graduated last week for college this fall. I'm thinking that she'll like the 13: MacBook Pro a lot more.

But now all MacBook Pros have non-removable batteries? Apple sure likes their non-removable batteries.

And I think I heard that there is handwriting recognition in Snow Leopard for the latest trackpads on MacBooks?

One more note - I updated Safari 4 today to the official release, and there are some surprising changes. First, the integrated window/tab bar is no more - the tab bar is officially back - and the loading indicator in the address bar is a little easier to see now.

Jason Dunn
06-09-2009, 05:02 PM
Snow Leopard at $29 should put a lot of pressure on Microsoft for Windows 7.

I'm really interested in this move as well - it would seem to reinforce the fact that Apple makes a healthy profit on the hardware sales...how else could they afford to give away the new OS for such a pittance? Or maybe they're taking a loss on it (or breaking even) just to give Windows 7 a "warm" welcome. :D

Or is Snow Leopard not considered a completely new OS - more like an update to Leopard? It bears the same cat name, so maybe that's it...

The Yaz
06-25-2009, 03:40 AM
Did anyone win :confused:

Sorry for asking, but I never saw an update...

06-26-2009, 05:04 PM
Does that count as Whining? :)