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View Full Version : Zune/Windows users "retards"?

05-12-2009, 06:11 PM
Time to speak up about Zune and Windows over at Gizmodo. They've been reduced to calling Zune users "retards".

Bill B

David Tucker
05-12-2009, 06:36 PM
No point in even getting involved in a discussion like that. You can't "win" that argument because its not really an argument at all. You can only make yourself look as bad as them by getting involved. That's the same site that they ridicule Facebook users despite the fact that 90% of them are likely on Facebook anyway. ;)

We know that Zune users are the smartest around!

06-20-2009, 02:54 PM
The writers or the commenters? The latter wouldn't be surprising, but the former would be disgustingly unprofessional.

I'd not worry much about it. People can like what they like, although I don't get the need for making fun.

My general experience is that the more someone hates something, the less experience they have with it. I have a co-worker that was going on about how Windows is terrible and isn't userfriendly and that Vista in particular sucks. About half an hour later we were looking at something on my laptop and he had no idea what OS I was running. I told him it was Windows Vista. He literally had never even looked at it before, yet he hated it beyond what I'd consider reasonable.

What could you do? I don't worry much about it.

06-26-2009, 07:20 PM
Time to speak up about Zune and Windows over at Gizmodo. They've been reduced to calling Zune users "retards".

I'm sure I'm not breaking any news here, but I have found Gizmodo to be huge Apple fanboys who wet their pants at the slightest bit of new out of Cupertino. I've made the choice to not frequent their site any further. It's not like they break any news that I can't find anywhere else.

Engadget seem to be relatively balanced in their high-school era snarky remarks about things.