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View Full Version : Trouble connecting to my home network

Phillip Dyson
12-07-2008, 06:14 PM
Hey guys,
I just recently purchased an iPhone as an early Christmas present for my girlfriend and am having trouble connecting it to our home wifi network.

The phone has been updated to the 2.2 firmware. I tried entering the network's profile and key but it says that it can't connect to the network. I might be saying that it can't find it.

I remember my cousin had some difficulty connecting to it as well but then called Apple Support and got it straightened out. So I don't know if its some kind of Apple product thing.

My network is a Linksys G. Its encrypted using WEP (I know I should be using WPA2 but its hard to coordinate changing all of the devices at one time.) and not broadcasting the SSID.

I guess my main question is this. Is there any known complications with the iPhone being able to connect to a network that is not broadcasting its SSID?

Any other help is appreciated. Thanks

12-08-2008, 03:20 PM
If your WEP key is a hex number, you might try prepending a $. So, if the key is 55f67123, try $55f67123.

Another test might be to temporarily broadcast the SSID to see if it works that way and, if it does, see if it still works after you stop broadcasting.

At this point not broadcasting SSID is not much of a security measure anyway, so you may want to consider that as well. Anybody with the ability to hack a WEP key will not be stopped by a non-broadcast SSID. Maybe this is the time to bit the bullet and switch to WPA2? (I can say that I have used WPA2 with a Linksys WRT54G, Apple Airport Express and Airport Extreme with an iPod Touch and it works just fine.)

Vincent Ferrari
12-08-2008, 08:44 PM
I second the notion on broadcasting the SSID. Apple hardware really doesn't like not having a broadcasted SSID. Also, you may want to try turning off the encryption altogether if only to eliminate a potential issue.