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View Full Version : Go Feed Your Mac, NOW!

Lita Kaufman
12-01-2008, 06:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.givegoodfood2yourmac.com/store/' target='_blank'>http://www.givegoodfood2yourmac.com/store/</a><br /><br /></div><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/zt/auto/1227716084.usr105519.jpg" /></p><p>It's that time of year, when software publishers start pushing bundles.&nbsp; With all of the noise made over the MacHeist gang's shennanigans, one of the most innovative bundles of the 2007 holiday season got overlooked.&nbsp; Last year, <a href="http://www.aquafadas.com/en/bannerzest/" target="_blank" title="Aquafadas">Aquafadas</a>, publisher of BannerZest and BannerZest Pro, sponsered a bundle package filled with Mac applications from European developers.&nbsp; What was interesting about the bundle, which had the odd name&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>Give Good Food To Your Mac</em> was that the more you bought, the deeper the discount, ranging from 20% for 3 or more apps to a whopping 70% for 10 or more apps.&nbsp; The selection of applications was so deep and varied, that it really wasn't too difficult to select enough products for the deepest discount.</p><p>This year, <a href="http://www.givegoodfood2yourmac.com/store/" target="_blank" title="Go Feed Your Mac, NOW!">Give Good Food To Your Mac</a>&nbsp;is back, and the structure is the same, but the discounts not quite so deep.&nbsp; Three apps gets a 20% discount. four apps get 30%, and five apps get 50%.&nbsp; The selection is different from last year, as well - a wider range with audio and video tools, productivity, imaging and 3D, utilities and a catch-all home &amp; learning category.&nbsp; There are about 60 applications in all, from both U.S. and European developers.&nbsp; I don't think it will be difficult for any Mac user to find enough applications to max out the discount.&nbsp;</p><p>Don't delay, the promo runs until December 1st!</p><p><strong><em>Update from Vincent:&nbsp; My mistake for posting this late, guys.&nbsp; I lost track of the date and forgot that today was actually December 1st.</em></strong></p>

12-01-2008, 10:07 PM
you know, of all the promos that are out there, this one is the one I had the highest hopes for and yet, this is the one that disappointed me the most.

From all the applications that are offered, I would only buy two and as such, the "recipe" is incomplete.

I'm looking forward to the next MacHeist.