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View Full Version : kindly help

08-04-2007, 06:11 AM
Last year I went to Beijing to study chinese, there I bought this pocket PC PANDA e38, particularly for pleco Chinese english dictonery, the problem is that it is in Chinese as i was not able to get english version there,
tilll now it was working ok but recently it got reseted now i have to again attach it to system but the pc is not detecting it. It is a big problem for me as I have not been able to use is, Can any one suggest me is there some way to do master reset on it so that it gets back to default factory setting. or is it possible to change it to english OS from chinese without changing its ID no. there is no such function in it, only Chinese. Looking for an urgent help. I lives in New delhi India, can anybody advice me any service center here.

Thanks to all in advance for there valuable comments

08-04-2007, 06:49 AM
Last year I went to Beijing to study chinese, there I bought this pocket PC PANDA e38, particularly for pleco Chinese english dictonery, the problem is that it is in Chinese as i was not able to get english version there,
tilll now it was working ok but recently it got reseted now i have to again attach it to system but the pc is not detecting it. It is a big problem for me as I have not been able to use is, Can any one suggest me is there some way to do master reset on it so that it gets back to default factory setting. or is it possible to change it to english OS from chinese without changing its ID no. there is no such function in it, only Chinese. Looking for an urgent help. I lives in New delhi India, can anybody advice me any service center here.

Thanks to all in advance for there valuable commentsThe OS cannot be changed easily. It would be nearly impossible.
A hard reset would clear it completely but would depend on the manufacturers design. You'll need to refer to the manual.

08-04-2007, 03:15 PM
the Hard Reset is not helping at all i did hard reset quite a no. of times by presing power botton and pressing the reset button simultaneousely but it is not helping at all. can we bring it to default factory settings, further the problem with the mannual is that It is in Chinese, when i was in china i was talking the help of few people to help me in reading it and rect6ifying the problem but now problem.
any way thanks

08-05-2007, 06:18 AM
but it is not helping at all. can we bring it to default factory settings, further the problem with the mannual is that It is in Chinese, default factory settings=hard reset, if you are not at factory settings...you have not successfully hard reset the device.
Power and Reset button may work on Dells but don't work on others. The manual is really the only way to get the right button sequence. Do you have a link to the manual? I could run it past my chinese friends and possibly get you the right sequence.