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View Full Version : BETA version of the new Resco Explorer 2007

07-27-2007, 04:24 PM
Resco.net have released the BETA version of the new Resco Explorer 2007 for Smartphones.
The release date is July 27, 2007

New features:

- Customizable keyboard shortcuts
- Striped list
- Status bar
- Advanced multi-select mode
- Advanced movement (Left/Right arrows go page up/down)
- Speed measuring for copying/moving/beaming
- Customizable startup folder
- Remember recently used Bluetooth device(Microsoft Bluetooth stack only)
- Delete confirmation - option "Do not use Recycle Bin"
- Open With - option "Enclose path into quotes"
- copying locked files (e.g. pim.vol)

- FTP addin is "under constructions"

You can download the installation files here:
Exe http://resco.net/downloads/RescoExplorer2007_Beta_s.exe
and Cab http://resco.net/downloads/RescoExplorer2007_Beta_s.ARM.CAB

or visit the Homepage at http://resco.net

The BETA will work for 30 days.