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View Full Version : HP6910 Screen Resizing

07-19-2007, 07:13 PM
Hi there,

I have a small problem with my HP 6910 PDA. All functions work fine but lately I installed GPS software called Destinator 6. Again, the program works except for the fact that the screen is too small to accommodate the program's functions. Buttons that allow me to navigate are not there because they are 'hidden' below the screen and there is no way I can tell to get to those buttons. So if I have the map displayed, I cannot get back to the main menu without pressing the red phone button (gets me back to the desktop) and going to 'Running Programs' and stopping the application. When I restart Destinator, I get access to the menu. But this is annoying!

There is no function on the Destinator program that allows me to resize the Destinator display size and I can't find anything on the PDA itself to change the display size of the screen either.

Can anyone help??


Nurhisham Hussein
07-20-2007, 04:09 AM
Hi Brian, welcome to PPCT.

From what you describe, Destinator is not compatible with 240x240 screens (and a quick look at their compatibility chart appears to confirm my impression). So...you have two choices here, neither very palatable. You can dump Destinator for another navigation program that is 240x240 compatible (alternatively you can badger the developer to add 240x240 support), or go with a display change program like NYDITOT (http://www.handango.com/ampp/store/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&jid=9E442431BC1DCEC869EC8B5B5X7C725C&platformId=2&productType=2&productId=16346&). Be warned though - based on (admittedly years ago testing), resolution changes are not something you can do on the fly, and NYDITOT can be a real pain to uninstall if you don't like it.

07-20-2007, 10:05 AM
Hi there,

Thanks a lot for the information, I will contact Destinator and see if they have or will add support for this screen resolution. If not, I'll have to look into purchasing another program.
I might give that resizing program a try though.

Again, thanks
