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View Full Version : Streaming Tom Leykis On My iPaq 4155 over wifi... is this possible?

03-27-2007, 12:57 AM
This question would apply to streaming any live radio station, but I'm specifically looking to stream Tom Leykis over wifi to my ipaq.

I currently use my ipaq to stream shoutcast using gsplayer, and my ipaq is connected to a receiver and wired to speakers all throughout my house. My house has horrible radio reception, so using the radio is out of the question.

If using a laptop, I can log on at www.blowmeuptom.com and click on listen live (on the top right corner), and it opens up a window and shows it is connecting to the following... but I want to use my ipaq...

I attempted to plug this into the "open url" area of the gsplayer program, as well as simply opening up IE and plugging it in, but it doesn't work. IE willl open the page, but no stream.

Has anyone done this, or can anyone help me figure it out? Do I maybe need some sort of flash player? Is there any way to stream this radio show or radio station (103.7 Free FM in San Diego or 97.1 Free FM in LA).
Thanks for your help!

03-27-2007, 06:49 AM
i have not registered for member live feed but when clicking on multimedia link and copying the link for mp3 download, am able to stream the show with coreplayer.