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View Full Version : Theme Switcher

03-02-2007, 01:16 PM
I have a program that I used on my 2215 iPAQ called Theme Switcher(I downloaded from Microsoft)that enables the user to set up a rotating theme switch on a pocket PC. I am also using ThemeMakerMcDeb to make my themes.

Here's my problem/question. I have just purchased and am trying to set up an iPAQ HX 2495, and ThemeSwitcher doesn't seem to like the new little one.

Does anyone know of free or relatively inexpensive switching software or a way to upgrade ThemeSwitcher?

I have a lot of themes and the thought of manually switching is kindof old fashioned

Nurhisham Hussein
03-05-2007, 02:57 AM
ThemeSwitcher was one of the Pocket PC Power Toys - they're intended for PPC2002 only, and even WM2003 compatibility was occasionally iffy. MS has never released any updates for these.

Have a look at this (http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=807) to see if it does what you want.