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View Full Version : imate kjam troubles with gprs/internet connection

09-08-2006, 07:42 AM
my sony ericcson s 600i connects to the internet quickly everytime, my two imate products--the kjam and the sp5m do not. If i want them to connect, i have to do a soft reset, then sometimes they will connect. my settings must be correct since i got them from the imate site for my specific telephone company. can anyone clue me in to what i'm doing wrong? once u install those settings isn;t it automatic , in other words u don;t have to do anything except press the e? thanks for the help.

Nurhisham Hussein
09-08-2006, 01:49 PM
once u install those settings isn;t it automatic , in other words u don;t have to do anything except press the e? thanks for the help.

It isn't quite automatic for a very simple reason - your SE has one way of accessing the internet, but your PDA Phones have two - wifi and GPRS. The network settings are quite distinct, and are not interchangeable.

The problem is they don't always interchange when they should, which causes problems - trying to connect your wifi with GPRS settings or GPRS with wifi settings will obviously not work. The only way to be sure is to check your network settings manually before attempting to connect with either.