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View Full Version : Purchased new Cingular 8125

08-09-2006, 08:53 PM
I just purchased a new cingular 8125 to relapce my audiovox smt 5600.

First off so far I love the phone...it is taking a bit of getting used to but the size is definitely not an issue ( never liked small phones such as the Razor anyway).

On to my questions.

first is there anything that i should be aware of...nothing in particular but any issues from current owners.

second I would like to get a few acessoires.

1. a new case. something that is similiar in size to the included holder but I could hold a few business cards and maybe my debit cards.

2. Is there a location on the web to get detailed instructions on some of the daily operations of the phone. For example. I received a call and went into my call history and wanted to save it as a contact. not sure how to do that. the only thing that came with my phoee was a cd that activesync on it. I explored the Cd and found no manual.

3. Good sights with software. NOt sure what I am looking for yet but since I plan on using my phone mostly for business and syncing it with Oulook for contact info. I oh yea I have a small video production company moslty doing weddings and corporate work,if that helps

4. Any sugestions on screen protectors, that is if you find they are worth the money.

5. Good place to upgrade my mini sd card currenly have 256. I find it is nice to have a few samples of my work. even thought the screen is small it is much better than showing on an Ipod since the phonce has speakers.

6. I hate the ringtones that came with the phone and have imported a .wav file. I have noticed it is a bit quiet for my tase. Does anyone know if the .wav format is the only one that will work (maybe mp3) and also is there a way to increse the sound besides the volume control?

Almost forgot, I am wanting to change teh look of my screens by making a skin with my logo on it, any utility or software sugestions would be greatly apreciated.

anything else would be great. But most importantly lookin for a new holder for the phone



08-10-2006, 03:54 AM
Can't answer a lot of those, but hear are a few:

To add to contacts, tap and hold the number in the call history and you'll get an option to add.

Hnadango and Pocket Gear have a lot of software. handango has been getting blasted by a lot of folks. There is a thread (you can do a search) about this and other alternatives for software are listed.

I am partial to the Brando or Boxwave sheet protectors.

Since you just got your device you should have a lot of bugs cleaned up as you probably got the new ROM.

08-10-2006, 04:30 AM
The tap and hold worked perfectly, I knew it was something simple.

thanks for the heads up on Handago. I was actually just looking at getting a new theme for my 8125.

I have also been looking at the new agenda Fusion.

thanks again. I wish the darn thing came with a manual.

08-10-2006, 11:15 AM
I just tried Google and found a manual here http://www.depts.ttu.edu/helpcentral/general/wireless/Cingular_8125.pdf

08-10-2006, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the link to the manual.

I justdownloaded agenda fusion as well as ThemeMaker McDeb.

hoping to play with it some today

08-10-2006, 07:58 PM
I've not tried agenda fusion, but have played around with Pocket Informant. A very good program, but runs a bit slow on the 8125 (and I suspect that agenda fusion will as well). I do use Pocket Breeze (www.sbsh.net) and that gives me the functionality I want.

08-10-2006, 08:53 PM
Hey thanks I will look into Pocket Breeze. I am currently looking on line for a cradle to have my Pocket Pc sync and charge while in the studio.

09-12-2006, 01:35 AM
How did agenda fusion work out on 8125? I'm looking for something like that.
Thanks, Gerry

09-12-2006, 01:38 AM
so far agenda fusion has worked out well. I have had my 8125 lock up one or twice but not sure if it was from agenda fusion or not