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View Full Version : how do I categorize notes?

07-29-2006, 04:55 AM
On my palm that could be done with a couple of screen taps. I am so confused with PPC. Please can someone help?

I have 200 files transferred from my palm to my HP hw6515. In palm they were all nicely categorized into folders for easy access in my memo application. I have created new notes folders on my PPC but I can't put the info in those folders. When I click on 'show more folders' on my PPC it just beeps and I can't access the category I want.

What am I doing wrong?

Sven Johannsen
07-29-2006, 11:29 PM
What am I doing wrong?You are underestimating your ability.
The reality is that categories aren't supported in Notes on the PPC natively. There are third party apps that can suport that IIRC. Take a look at Phatware PhatNotes.