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View Full Version : My PocketPC and I are back together - need recommendations for programs

07-14-2006, 06:41 AM
Hi all!

I know there's a billion threads out there for "what programs should I use" but I thought I'd start another one. See, here's the thing. Some of you might remember me as Spacewaitress. I was a devoted PPC user and frequent contributor to the forums.

Well, about a year ago, a terrible thing happened to my PPC. I let the battery drain, all the way, one too many times. I had been using Pocket Backup - an excellent program, btw - but the backup file somehow got corrupted. (Moral: always have *two* backup files, one on your memory card and one on your desktop PC). Suddenly I was unable to restore my Pocket PC. No, I could not bring it back to life. The thing is, I had had it configured to the hilt. Everything about it was perfect. Losing all my setup was a very sad thing indeed.

Even worse was that I was missing most of my registration codes and about half my installation files. I had switched my email address a couple times, and also switched desktop PCs. I'm not a very organized person by nature, so most of what I needed to restore the programs to my pocket pc was lost.

I was so disheartened I quit using it altogether. In fact, I haven't used it in about a year.

Until tonight.

I've been thinking of buying a new PocketPC, but I wanted to make sure it was still something I would use. I figured I'd better fire up my old one and make sure it was still something I'd be interested in. So I charged up my iPaq 1910 and prepared to synch up.

I didn't realize how much I missed it; my last synch was in July of 2005! There was a large PDF file I wanted to take with me to read; oh what a joy it was to read on my PPC again!

So here's my plea for help: I need to decide what programs to purchase or install for my PPC. It's been a long time since I paid attention to any PPC stuff and I'm not sure what's the best product in every category anymore. Here's what I'm thinking of installing so far:

Sprite Backup

I need recommendations for:
- a money management program
- a theme switcher
- task management; I used to use Wisbar but I'm no longer sure if this is the best one
- any other programs that you particularly enjoy and use every day

Thanks for your help!


07-14-2006, 02:41 PM
Spacewaitress! Oh, how I missed you!

Anyway, I just got a new device and the first apps I installed were Pocket Plus, Pocket Informant, ListPro, Resco Explorer, and FlexWallet (now owned by the Pocket Informant people).

I also use Spb Finance - they have a standalone version, a Money version, and a Quicken version; Fitaly; PhatPad; MemMaid; WebIS FlexMail; Microsoft Reader; PhatNotes; Pocket Player; Spb Backup; Spb GPRS monitor; Spb Time; and Spb weather. That's an awfully long list but I can't help but think that I forgot one of the important ones.

Anyway, welcome back and keep posting!

Oh, and I recommend the JAMin if you're into phone edition devices; otherwise, any recent WM5 device is probably a good idea for you as they have the non-volatile memory.

07-16-2006, 05:12 AM

Visit this site for the best and must have applications for beginners.


Its very detailed with prices and reviews too.
