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View Full Version : ActiveSync and Bluetooth

07-11-2006, 02:42 AM
Hey guys,

Need some help;
I've got a USB bluetooth device in my pc, my pocketpc recognises my PC, and iv gone through the step of setting up a relationship or partnership or whatever its called, yet i cant seem to syn or connect to the internet.
Everytime i try connect via Bluetooth from my pocketpc it says it cannot find an exisiting partnership with my pc , but then when i say yes, my existing partnership is there, but there are no services showing. I've enabled all the services from my pc for the bluetooth, inlcluding network access, yet nothing comes up and i just wana get this dam thing working, i really dont wana have to connect via usb cable everytime i need to sync or use the internet via my pocketpc.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks alot :lol: :lol: