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05-20-2006, 02:03 PM
All three of my novels are now available for free in PDF and LIT format on my website, http://www.hamishmacdonald.com.

Idea in Stone
An alternative, magical realist tale about Edinburgh.
When you find home, do you get to keep it?
(Magical realism, gay lit, Scottish, Canadian)

The Willies
A fast-paced comic spin on the cloning debate.
Sometimes it's hard to deal with people who are like us. That goes double when that person is your clone.
(Science fiction, gay lit)

Tales from the brink of Y2K.
If money suddenly had no meaning, what would you value?
(Science fiction, gay lit)

Idea in Stone and The Willies are also available as perfect-bound paperbacks that I hand-bind. doubleZero is out of print.

For other formats, search for "Hamish MacDonald" on ManyBooks.net.