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View Full Version : wireless connecting laptop and PPC

05-14-2006, 11:32 PM
I have laptop and PPC, both with wifi
I want to connect them and use internet on the PPC from the laptop
But have no idea how...i need some kind of tutorial or something i guess....

Janak Parekh
05-15-2006, 02:50 AM
You could set up an ad-hoc connection, and Internet Connection Sharing on the laptop. However, if you are working off a home cable or DSL modem, I'd suggest you buy a wireless router instead; they're cheap, provide an additional firewall, often have better range, and thereby eliminate the need for your laptop to be on. (Plus, this untethers your laptop!)


05-15-2006, 11:22 PM
Thanks Janak!
The only problem is that i don't have idea how to set up ad-hoc connection...i guess there is a lot writted about that but i was unable to find anything...uh

Nurhisham Hussein
05-16-2006, 01:34 AM
You haven't mentioned which PPC you're using, as the dialog screens are different for different OS versions. The following is for WM2003SE:

For your PDA
1. Turn on wifi on your PPC.
2. Go to Start Menu->Settings->Connections tab->Network Cards
3. Select "All Available..." in the drop down box.
4. Click on "Add New..."
5. Select a name for this network (anything will do).
6. Leave the drop down box as it is (unless you have some funky network configurations), and check the "This is a device-to-device (ad-hoc) connection" box.
7. Go to the next (Network Key) tab. Under authentication, select "Open". Under data encryption, select "Disabled".
8. Click ok until you return to the today screen.

For your laptop (I'm assuming XP SP2)
1. Turn on wifi.
2. Right click on the wireless network icon in the system tray and select "View Available Wireless Networks"
3. You should see the network you've created in the wireless network window ->Click on the connect button at the bottom.

I find hosting the connection on the PPC is a little bit more stable than on the laptop. It's of course possible to do it the other way, and YMMV.

05-16-2006, 02:09 AM
thanks dude, i managed to get it connect, but when i try to load a page it says that it's unable to find that page...always
i guess it's something with the DNS?

Nurhisham Hussein
05-16-2006, 02:38 AM
Did you enable ICS on your laptop?

05-16-2006, 12:47 PM
yeah, i enabled internet connection sharing for the lan card from which i get internet

Nurhisham Hussein
05-16-2006, 02:18 PM
I think we need to have somebody else chip in here - that's about the extent of my knowledge of how to get what you're after.